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Articles written by Bill Cox

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  • 'I'm praying for you'

    Bill Cox|Updated Jun 20, 2024

    “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32 This is the beginning of a story that most of us have heard about, especially the ending when the rooster crowed and Peter denied Jesus three times. I would like to take some time to encourage you and say, Jesus is praying for you as you read this article. He might not be praying what we want him to be praying. We may want him to pray...

  • Pastor's Corner: Let the Peace of God Rest In Your Heart

    Pastor Bill Cox, Foursquare Church|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    The angel told the Shepherds in Luke 2: 14 “ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” This year has been anything but peaceful for many of us. People have lost their jobs and are not able to make their payments on houses and cars which are often things that we feel we need to experience peace. I am not making light of jobs, houses, cars and other material things because they can bring real peace to our day. Just remember how you feel when you go out and your car won’t start. You know what I’m t...

  • Pastors' Corner

    Pastor Bill Cox|Updated Feb 16, 2017

    It is the first of the year and many of us stop and take a look at ourselves and think of changes that we might like to make. We call them New Year’s Resolutions. A new year is a chance to make some changes to our lives that we have let slip over the previous year. Perhaps a few pounds have shown up from nowhere, or some bad habits have made their way into our workout, okay maybe we just stopped working out. Whatever it might be, we ask ourselves the question, “Should we make these resolutions or not?” Turn this quest...

  • God the rescuer

    Rev. Bill Cox|Updated Aug 17, 2015

    This has been a great summer! I hope all of you have had the opportunity to spend time with family and friends during this season. We had the chance to hang out with our family on the Oregon Coast. I stood and watched the waves come crashing to the shore. They continued to roll as the tide would come in and then recede. The night we arrived we went down to watch the waves and stroll on the beach. Our grandchildren were with us and wanted to run to the water. The youngest, Jordan, went fairly close and set himself up ready to...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Rev. Bill Cox|Updated Oct 29, 2014

    Odessa Foursquare Church This summer I witnessed many random acts of kindness. We are living in a world that seems to be filled with hate and discontent, lying and cheating, wars of all sizes, fear of not having enough, and the list could go on. If we only looked at the negative side of the world, we could think that our world is falling apart, but I want to share with you the other side of the story or as Paul Harvey would have said “the rest of the story”. My wife and I waited in line to order coffee. Once we placed our...

  • Pastor's Corner; Rev. Bill Cox

    REV BILL COX|Updated Dec 4, 2013

    Well here we are again, fast approaching the day that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and savior, Jesus. As we do, I know that most of us know and understand the true meaning of the season. I say "most of us" because there are some of our younger children that are still caught up in the picture of Christmas that the world would paint for us. All the hustle and bustle of the shopping in the malls, the excitement of going to grandma's house for dinner, the family traditions that we so look forward to each year. As I even...

  • Our standards are not the measures set by God

    Rev Bill Cox

    “We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.” (James 3:2) As I was thinking about this and what standards we put on ourselves as people and even as Christians, I thought how many times I fail to meet the standard that I have set up for myself. Then I get down on myself because I am not able to meet my self-imposed standard. I wonder if God just laughs at us sometimes, wondering why we do this to ourselves. God is looking at the heart and...