Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Articles from the May 30, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 28

  • Caps and gowns

    The Record-Times|Updated May 30, 2024

    EDWALL — Seven graduations in a span of eight days will grace Lincoln County as local high school seniors are celebrated in commencement ceremonies. It starts with Christian Heritage School, which celebrates its three graduates at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 1. Everyone else is the following weekend. Harrington High School is recognizing six graduates at 6 p.m. Friday, June 7. At the same time, the Davenport Pathways Program celebrates its four graduates. Odessa and Reardan High Schools are holding graduations at 11 a.m. S...

  • Quail Court holds grand re-opening

    The Record-Times|Updated May 30, 2024

    ODESSA - Residents at Quail Court, the local assisted living facility run by the Memorial Healthcare Center, are finally moving back in after being away from home for four months following a January flood. That fact was celebrated with a grand re-opening hosted by the Memorial Healthcare Center Thursday, May 23. Quail Court manager Leslie Gies cut the red ribbon at last Thursday's ceremony that was attended by 60 to 70 people. Healthcare Center CEO Brett Antczak expressed his...


    Updated May 30, 2024

  • Cops & Courts

    Updated May 30, 2024

    INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. May 19 Traffic stops: 16 A Davenport woman said the person staying on the east side of her house was being extremely loud on the 1100 block of Park Street. A Davenport woman said someone parked a van near her res...

  • Landt named state FFA Secretary

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated May 30, 2024

    PULLMAN - A Reardan High School student set to graduate next weekend will spend the next school year serving as the Washington FFA State Secretary. Senior Ashley Landt was elected to the position at the State FFA Convention Saturday, May 11. Landt, a 5-year member of the Reardan FFA Chapter, was selected from 13 other candidates for the position. She will begin her duties as Secretary with a base camp training June 18, which is 10 days after graduation. "I was surprised,"...

  • Odessa FFA secures tractor grant

    Updated May 30, 2024

    Odessa's FFA chapter has received a $40,000 check from the FFA Foundation to help pay for a new tractor for Tractor Driving competitions. The grant was applied for by advisor HaLee Walter and will also help fund plant science curriculum supplies. The tractor will be used by students and school district staff....

  • District FFA Officers elected in Davenport

    The Record-Times|Updated May 30, 2024

    DAVENPORT - Local FFA District 5 Officers were elected here last Wednesday, May 22. And two locals were among those elected. The new Officer team includes Vice President Shelby Hargrave and Secretary Titus Griffin, both of Davenport. Other officers include President Gus Suksdorf and Treasurer Katy Belles of Liberty and Reporter Rylee Saguid and Sentinel Aubrey Gardiner of Riverside. Davenport FFA advisor Todd Hargrave said 16 candidates were considered from FFA chapters at...

  • Board OK's teacher hires

    The Record-Times|Updated May 30, 2024

    ODESSA — The School Board approved three teacher hires at a regular meeting Wednesday, May 22. The Board unanimously agreed to hire Joshua Clark as a full-time third-grade teacher, Charlie King as a half-time kindergarten teacher and Kristen Sebesta as a half-time kindergarten teacher and half-time MTSS interventionist. In other business, the Board scheduled a special meeting for noon Thursday, June 6 to approve a budget extension and a workshop at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 12 to plan for next school year. Also approved w...

  • Staffing Updates, Trends, and Challenges

    Gabe Gants|Updated May 30, 2024

    Believe it or not the end of June marks two years since I took office, and I thought it was time to share another update on what we have been up to at LCSO as well as some growing trends. If I had to pick one word to sum up the most important focus over the last two years, I would go with hiring! Two years ago, we were down 12 positions across both sides of the house with almost zero applicants in sight. This was not something we advertised for good reason, but it did prove...

  • I-2124 could kill WA Cares

    Elizabeth New|Updated May 30, 2024

    Would passage of Initiative 2124 kill the WA Cares long-term program? Probably. It’s super likely that if the state’s new, mandatory long-term-care program was made optional for Washington state workers many would flee, leaving it unable to pay its way in its current form. No argument there. Still, that is what was emphasized when the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee discussed WA Cares in a Tuesday work session. Is the program solvent? And would it be if it becomes vol...

  • Hopkins resigns as elementary principal

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated May 30, 2024

    DAVENPORT - Elementary principal Sarita Hopkins is resigning her post to be closer to family. After two years working for the School District here following a stint with Cheney Middle School, her resignation was accepted by the School Board Tuesday, May 28. Hopkins has accepted a teaching position with North Thurston Public Schools. Her husband, Jim, is stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord Air Force Base and her daughter recently moved to the West Side. Her resignation is...

  • Turbines are negative

    Leigh Ost|Updated May 30, 2024

    I wonder if any farmers who signed up for wind turbines did any research of their own or if they have taken serious note of WHY others are raising objections to wind turbines? Research shows that wind turbines have many serious negatives. I also seriously question why farmers in this area consider themselves “poor” when they have so many government subsidies supporting them. How many subsidies do nonfarmers get? So, people, how much is enough? And why is Mill Canyon being targeted? At least half of Mill Canyon is now sur...

  • Birthdays and Anniversaries

    Updated May 30, 2024

    Davenport birthdays May 31: John Coley, Mariah Kilps, Matthew Delafield, Carah Piper June 1: Casey Breithaupt June 2: Laurel Hansen, Christine Jenkins June 3: Ryan Buchmann, Joe Coppersmith, Connie Lust June 4: Heath Becker, Maddilynn Collins June 5: Janaye Wilkie, Bonnie Booth June 6: Debbie Keller, Addison Smith, Gary Kersten, Shelby Hargrave Davenport anniversaries June 2: Max and Hannah Mielke June 3: Steve and Roberta Telecky, Mike and Dawn Hale, Harold and Claudia Thompson June 4: Matt and Andria Street June 5: Jeremy...


    Updated May 30, 2024

    NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE OF COMMERCIAL LOAN Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 61.24 RCW I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee will, on the 7th day of June, 2024, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock a.m., at the main entrance of Pioneer Title Company, 403 Logan Street, in the city of Davenport, State of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable, in the form of cash, cashier’s check or certified checks from federally or State chartered banks, at the time of sale,...


    Updated May 30, 2024

    NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County, Washington that sealed bids will be received at the following location before the specified time: • At the Lincoln County Commissioner’s Office located on the lower level of the Lincoln County Courthouse, 450 Logan Street, Davenport, Washington until 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, June 13, 2024. Bids delivered in person will be received by the Clerk of the Board. • Bids mailed to the Board of Lincoln County Commissioners, Post...


    Updated May 30, 2024

    PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF LINCOLN NO.244-00027-22 In the Matter of the Estate of: ) SANDRA LOUISE GAIR, Deceased. The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal...


    Updated May 30, 2024

    ORDINANCE SUMMARY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of Lincoln County, adopted Ordinance 24-01, allowing for the appointment of a County Coroner. This Ordinance takes effect immediately. A complete text of the Ordinance is on file at the Lincoln County Commissioners office and can be reviewed during normal business hours or mailed upon request. Dated this 24th day of May, 2024. Tara Holden Clerk of the Board Published May 30, 2024...

  • Notice of Trustee's Sale

    Updated May 30, 2024

    Notice of Trustee’s Sale TS No WA07000166-22-4 TO No 2885516 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE PURSUANT TO THE REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON CHAPTER 61.24 ET. SEQ. Grantor: ROBERT W SWINDLE, A SINGLE PERSON Current Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust: FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION Original Trustee of the Deed of Trust: LS TITLE OF WASHINGTON Current Trustee of the Deed of Trust: MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps Current Mortgage Servicer of the Deed of Trust: Freedom Mortgage Corporation Reference Number of the Deed of Trust: Ins...


    Updated May 30, 2024

    PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE 1200 AN ORDINANCE BY THE DAVENPORT CITY COUNCIL AMENDING THE DAVENPORT MUNICIPAL CODE 2.44 MOUNTAIN VIEW CEMETERY TO BETTER DEFINE CEMETERY OPERATIONS. SUMMARY FOR PUBLICATION An Ordinance by the Davenport City Council Better Defining the Hours of Operation and Number of Cremains in One Grave. Copies of the full text of the ordinance may be obtained from the undersigned at the Davenport City Hall, 411 Morgan Street, Davenport, WA 99122. David M. Leath Clerk/Treasurer City of Davenport Published this...


    Updated May 29, 2024

    B U D G E T EXTENSION HE A R I N G Let it be publicly known to all persons that the Board of Directors of Odessa School District No. 105-157-166J, Lincoln County, Washington, will meet in a public meeting on Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. in PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitations or discrimination based on race, color, religion, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or dis...

  • Reardan Wellness Days

    Updated May 29, 2024

    Reardan High School hosted a Wellness Day for secondary students Friday, May 24. The event, themed “You Good, Bruh?” focused on the importance of mental health and featured workshops featuring overall wellness. Among other activities, students interacted with therapy animals, learned how to make healthy snacks, discussed stress management and learned about physical health....


    Updated May 29, 2024

    NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PASTURE LEASE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Lincoln County Commissioners will conduct a public hearing regarding a reapplication by Greg Semprimoznik to lease county property as pasture land pursuant to RCW 36.34. Said application involves certain parcels of land located as follows: Portions of The W ½ W ½ of Section 20, Township 26 N, Range 32 EWM, lying south of the railroad right-of-way and lying north of existing County Road Number 4267. Also the property located in the east 200 feet o...

  • Four locals, one relay win state titles

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated May 29, 2024

    YAKIMA - Four individual athletes and one relay team from Lincoln County won state titles at the WIAA 1B/2B/1A State Championship Meet at Eisenhower High School Thursday, May 23 through Saturday, May 25. And a bevy of other athletes from Davenport, Odessa and Reardan also took home top-5 finishes, leading to top places for some of the teams. The Davenport girls had the best showing of local teams, finishing second in 2B with 67.5 points. St. George's won another title with 95...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated May 29, 2024

    1 years ago The finals in the old-timers tennis tournament at Odessa featured Jake Hopp Jr. of Odessa defeating Joe Weik of Davenport in men’s singles, Mr. and Mrs. Hopp defeating Mrs. Earl Phillips and Jim Goodwin of Davenport in mixed doubles and Hopp and Dan Heimbigner defeating Weik and Goodwin in men’s doubles. Three accidents occurred within a few hours of each other on Sunset Highway between Davenport and Wilbur. One driver fell asleep at the wheel, one hit a rock and one crashed into a horse. 75 years ago Lin...

  • State Champion Chute Dogger

    Updated May 29, 2024

    5-year-old Winston Wade, an eighth-grader from Odessa, is the state champion in Washington State Junior High School Rodeo Chute Dogging and was Reserve Champion in Steer Bareback. State finals were held May 23-27 in Moses Lake....

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