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Local business owner helps with Hartline school project

Volunteers contributed to the Hartline School Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse Project recently by performing an aerial inspection of the chimney, a first step in the project team's masonry repair plans for the historic building. Repointing and capping the chimney and rebuilding the north entry steps are among the exterior repairs scheduled for completion at the end of the summer. The crew worked on repairing the building's long-standing flag pole before inspecting the chimney.

Marlon Schafer, owner of Odessa Office Equipment in Odessa (, one of the area's oldest Internet providers offering fiber and high-speed wireless connections, volunteered the use of his company truck.

Cindy Carlson Cauble has been a dedicated volunteer for the Hartline Betterment Organization, the local nonprofit group collaborating with the Port of Hartline on the rehabilitation project. Her recent contributions include much-needed roof repair (completed with help from her husband Alan Cauble) and updating the library as a welcoming place for visitors.

Wes Sieg is the Port District's informal project liaison; he also serves as a project leader and steadfast volunteer.

In addition to Schafer, the ground crew for the day included volunteer Jerry Dormaier, a director of the Hartline Betterment Organization, Rosalie Eckhart, owner of Hartline 2nd Chance, a newly opened retail shop in the building, and volunteer Wayne Sutton provided backup support.

Additional information on the project is available at the website


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