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Letter to the Editor: Reader questions Obama's student loan ideas

It didn’t surprise me when President Obama started talking about forgiving loans that college graduates have created to earn their degrees. But, it made me angry as it is a slap in the face of every graduate who had to work to pay for their education. He has various ways that he wants to create for borrowers to avoid repayment including declaring bankruptcy. Bankruptcy should be used as a last resort after someone has had extreme misfortune!

With roughly $1 trillion in outstanding student loans, close to $900 billion is federal money.

The consumer financial protection bureau believes in the bankruptcy route even though this goes against lessons that should have been learned during the 70s. I personally see this as President Obama wanting to add more people to the group that expects everything be given to them. He is also pandering to this group for votes.

Wouldn’t the more honorable route be to work harder at creating jobs instead of adding to the list of freeloaders? Or is he covering the fact that his plan doesn’t work?

Gerald W. Ray



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