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How to become a SuperStar student - tips for success

Since the school year has started, it is perhaps a good time to remind all students that they have what it takes to be a superstar in school. The 2008 Teacher of the Year, Michael Geisen, has a few pointers for them.

First, everyone has a blend of the seven types of intelligence as suggested by psychologist Howard Gardner. Those types of smartness are visual, body movement, musical, social, logical/mathematical, verbal, and self. Students need to recognize that there is no one way of being smart. Smartness is a blend of two or more of these basic human intelligences.

Second, no matter what kind of learner they are, all great students set goals for themselves. These goals need to be specific – like, “I will earn a 3.0 GPA this first quarter,” not, “I will do better in school.” These goals will help determine how they will use their time and energy.

Third, the goals are usually set up for several areas – grades, social life, sports and exercise, family and community, hobbies and interests, and long-term goals. As Geisen notes, “Being happy and healthy is as important as getting good grades.”

Fourth, successful students are also organized. This just means that you know where to find things quickly, not that everything has to be perfect and in its place.

Fifth, great students also lead balanced lives. As important as school is, the other areas of life as noted in the third aspect above are also valued. Having a rich, personal life means your life is meaningful and fun. Enjoy school, and also enjoy friends and family and set time aside for yourself, too.

Finally, superstar students are also curious. No matter how good you are at something, you should pretend you are still a beginner and accept that there is always more to learn. Be curious. Ask questions. Know that you can grow.

Next week, we will look at effective habits in class. Until then, set one goal for yourself in each of these areas: grades, social life, sports/exercise, family/community, hobbies/interests, and long-term goals. Post the list of goals where you can see it every morning.


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