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Advice from a small town girl

Progress, not perfection is the key

I am so incredibly brilliant.

I’ve been driving my latest automobile for two years now, and just discovered not only that it has fog lights, but that I’ve been driving with them ON for two years. My apologies to everyone. I know how annoying that can be.

It just illustrates that my approach to new equipment may not be the best. I just hop in and start using whatever it is, figuring that the manual is only for when you run into problems, like setting the clock twice a year.

Which reminds me – if my cell phone is smart enough to change, how come my car isn’t? It cost a lot more, and it just seems reasonable . . . .

At any rate, I’m pretty embarrassed about the fog light thing. It makes me wonder how many other dorky things I’ve been doing for years because I didn’t know better.

Like maybe writing this column.

Thanksgiving sort of threw me off of my healthy eating program, and I put a few pounds back on. I’m trying to get back on track again, because two weeks of eating the way I used to made me feel HORRIBLE. The good news is that after just a couple days of behaving myself, I feel better already. The interesting part about that is I really hadn’t noticed how much better I had been feeling before I went off track.

I was worried about that (thinking I didn‘t feel better, I mean), because most of the people I know who are doing the same program look and feel great, and started feeling great after just a few days. I didn’t feel great. I just felt like myself. And, of course, because I felt like myself, I acted like myself and overindulged a bit.

Now that the WSU basketball season has begun, I’ve noticed that I don’t overflow the seat as much as I did last year. It’s still not as easy as I’d like to climb the stairs after the game, but I’m working on it. Jackson and I are going for a little walk every day now, and as he gets bigger, we’ll stretch those walks out more and more.

Now, just so everyone knows, I’m not planning on being perfect over the holidays. As they say in AA, “progress, not perfection.”

Perfection is for people who don’t have anything interesting to do, I think.

I also need to add a thank you that I missed last week. It was a pretty important one, too, because without the generosity of the Odessa Grange, we would have had to eat in shifts, since Old Town Hall only has 36 forks in the silverware drawer. It was way cool having matching flatware, not to mention having enough of it!


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