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Rep. Dent reports on legislative sessions

It took longer than any of us would’ve liked it to, but after 176 days and three special sessions, we were finally able to adjourn last week. Although we needed three special sessions, I am proud of many of the things we accomplished as a Legislature for the people of Washington state. My first session in Olympia truly exceeded my expectations. I made it my mission to build solid relationships with people on both sides of the aisle throughout the session, because I know how much we can do for our districts and the state when we put partisan politics aside. I look forward to continuing to build great relationships during the interim and into next session.

I want to provide a quick recap of the three major spending plans that were passed this session — the operating and capital budgets, and a transportation tax package.

The $38 billion 2015-17 operating budget passed on a strong bipartisan basis. The budget fully funds education, takes care of our most vulnerable citizens, and keeps communities safe – all without any major tax increases. More than $1.3 billion will be invested into our K-12 education system, and K-3 class sizes will be reduced.

Additionally, hardworking teachers and school employees will receive cost-of-living adjustments, while college students will see the first tuition reduction in more than 30 years.

The budget also makes major investments in early learning and mental health systems. Mental health reform became a big priority of mine during the session, so I’m thankful funding in this area is beginning to increase. We need to make sure we’re taking care of our most vulnerable citizens.

Finally, I’m happy to report my House Bill 1526, which requires all aircraft excise tax revenue to be deposited in the aeronautics account, was included in the final operating budget. This was the first bill I introduced. Seeing it implemented in the operating budget was a great feeling.

Near the end of session, the Legislature also passed a $3.9 billion capital budget for funding long-term construction projects with long-term bonds and dedicated cash accounts. Thanks to the strong budget, nearly $100 million will be headed to Central Washington University for projects and renovations, including:

$56 million to renovate and expand the Samuelson Union Building to serve as an integrated computer science technology center.

$9.7 million for the minor works program, as well as preservation projects that will improve health, safety and code compliance, and preserve infrastructure and facilities.

$8 million to replace or upgrade utilities that are 40-to-50 years old, which will bring significant savings in utility costs over the next 20 years.

$5 million for renovations to Bouillon Hall.

$4.3 million to design a health sciences facility to consolidate the Department of Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Sciences.

Big Bend Community College will also benefit from the capital budget through funding to design a centralized, state-of-the-art Professional Technical Education Center to provide flexible industry lab space for students.

Along with funds for CWU and BBCC, the capital budget provides funds for K-12 school construction, reduces K-3 class sizes, increases mental health bed capacity, prioritizes housing for veterans and other vulnerable individuals, offers mitigation for the current drought, funds fire hazard reduction efforts, and more. It is a good budget for our district and state, and I was proud to cast a “yes” vote in favor of it.

I could not, however, support the $16 billion transportation package that will increase the state’s gas tax by 11.9 cents. Before the final vote, there was an amendment to put the gas-tax increase on the ballot, but that was defeated with a 52-46 vote.

While there are some good projects in the transportation package, including $58 million exclusively for District 13 (and $585 million for other projects that will effect the 13th), I could not cast a vote in favor it. The gas-tax increase is too large, and the package also includes increased weight and registration fees. Additionally, I was hoping for stronger Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) reforms.

Dent legislation

introduced during session

Along with my House Bill 1526 that was implemented in the operating budget, two other bills of mine became law this session.

House Bill 1527 streamlines the ability for pesticide applicators to get recertification credits, which is a small but very important change to current law that will help the entire industry.

House Bill 1989 allows municipalities to contract for asset management services for their water storage assets, such as water tanks, towers, wells, meters and filters. I sponsored this bill on behalf of the city of Quincy, which had for a long time been seeking to procure long-term maintenance service contracts for their water storage assets. This legislation will not only provide more autonomy to cities like Quincy, but it will also save taxpayer dollars by allowing for long-term management agreements instead of simply contracting out for each individual service need.


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