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Low voter turnout, few surprises

With 46 precincts reporting, 6,806 registered voters cast only 2,971 ballots, with an estimated 233 ballots left to count. Voter turnout was 43.65%.

In Odessa, local contests for town council were won unopposed by incumbents Lois Hubbard and Marlene Kramer. Bill Crossley also won unopposed to fill the seat being vacated by a retiring Frank White.

In Harrington, the heated race for mayor showed challenger Dillon Haas leading long-time incumbent Paul Gilliland by 16 votes, with very low voter turnout. For Harrington city council positions, Justin Slack was leading Donita Simons and Peter B. Davenport was leading Sharon Schultz, both by good margins. Levi Schenk ran unopposed for position #5 and was re-elected.

For Odessa School Board positions, incumbents Ed Deife and Roland Singer were re-elected without opposition. Chris Crossley ran unopposed to fill the position being vacated by Marcus Horak.

In Harrington, three incumbents were re-elected to the school board: Darren Mattozzi, Mark Kramer and Brad Simpson.

Other races included Steven T. Braun re-elected as Fire District 3 commissioner #2, Brian Fink and Sandra Libsack elected as Hospital District 1 commissioners.

Statewide Initiative Measure No. 1366 concerning state taxes and fees showed yes votes led no votes by 1,871 (67.06%) to 919 (32.94%). Initiative Measure No. 1401 concerning trafficking of animal species threatened with extinction showed Yes votes leading with 1,504 (53.26%) to 1,320 (46.74%) for No votes.

Regarding Advisory Vote No. 10, Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1449, voters favored repeal of the measure by 1,884 (68.63%) votes to 861 (31.37%). The statewide results were much closer but repeal was still the choice of most.

In a very close vote on Advisory Vote No. 11, Second Substitute Senate Bill 5052, voters wanting the measure repealed were trailing those who wanted it maintained by 1,380 (49.62%) to 1,401 (50.38%). Statewide, voters wanted to maintain the bill by 57.91% to 42.09%.

With Advisory Vote No. 12, Second Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5987, Lincoln County voters wished for repeal by a wide margin, 2,356 (85.24%) to 408 (14.76%). Statewide voters agreed by 66.69% to 33.31%. The voters also opted for repeal in Advisory Vote No. 13, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6138, by 2,297 (84.39%) votes to 425 (15.61%). Statewide, voters agreed by 65.42% to 34.58%.


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