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Harrington City Council passes budget

HARRINGTON - The City Council met in special session on Dec. 22 at 6 p.m. via Zoom. All council members were in attendance: Justin Slack, Peter Davenport, Stephen Hardy, David Buddrius and Levi Schenk. City Clerk Janice Cepeda was present. Mayor Nathan Luck chaired the meeting and recognized one visitor, Joe Armond. Other visitors did not offer their names to be recognized.

RFQ (Request For Qualifications) was taken off the agenda; Luck stating, "still some work going on there. Open public hearing to adopt the 2021 Annual Budget for the city at 6:05." An email with the budget had been sent to the council members prior to the meeting, which was not available to the public. It may be available to the public within a week or so. Most of the numbers on the proposed budget have not changed much since the Dec. 16 budget workshop.

Davenport had questions regarding the real-estate excise tax, and Slack explained that when property sells, part of that tax money returns to the city. He added that part of the money the city used for the McGregor building came from the excise tax. The amount always varies widely from year to year, so the funds cannot be relied upon.

Mayor Luck stated that the numbers in the budget are the current rate, and that we can amend the budget after the first of the year if needed. Discussion was held regarding the recent loss of the city pickup and its potential replacement. Luck suggested that early in 2021, when certain money comes in, the truck should be replaced sooner rather than later. Discussion included the potential purchase of equipment from the state and bidding on surplus items such as a snowplow.

Slack requested a specific answer to the final decision to the utility rates being raised, and Luck responded, "I have not reflected any change into the budget for changing the utility rates. If we change things after the first of the year, we will have to amend the budget." Slack asked, "Will we have a hearing?" Luck responded, "Yes, correct."

Question by Davenport regarding the water-treatment plant sample testing, "Contract operator, we were paying $600 per month?" Luck responded, "We actually pay her less, due to the services she provides. The city is contracted to pay her $1,200 per month, as the budget shows. She agreed to $600 per month, as she does not need to collect the samples herself. The budget shows the full amount in case of a change in the arrangements."

Slack said that a bunch of BARS code books were thrown away, stating they were almost 20 years old, and they are not needed with the BIAS system. The annual expense of the BIAS program was not addressed.

Slack also said that the budget has the proposed wages and questioned a potential error. Luck responded, "I didn't look it over enough times, oversight probably. I obviously have something that is obviously not exactly correct."

There was considerable comment pertaining to the BARS code (Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting System). Regarding Davenport's questions of the numerical system being utilized, Slack explained, "300s are deposits, 500s are spending. All the cities in Washington use the same numbers. The State of Washington is unique. Every city uses it, and the state can track what the cities are spending."

Slack kept the Council on track by preventing a motion prior to the closing of the hearing. Luck closed the hearing at 6:31 p.m. A motion to adopt the budget for 2021 was made and seconded. As the count was beginning, the Mayor could be heard saying, "All in favor? Yes, three ayes. Peter? David? David is going to abstain. Peter?" Slack then recognized that Davenport was lost from the connection and hadn't voted. While awaiting Davenport's return, the Council discussed the current level of progress on the iPads. Hardy made the point that the city gets his time for free, although this is the first time he has done this configuring of all the devices. In the meantime, Davenport was located and reconnected to the meeting, told only that three had voted "yes" and was then asked for his response without informing him that Buddrius had abstained. Davenport went on record as the fourth "yes" vote. Luck asked for clarification from Buddrius as to his abstention, which he then changed to a "no" vote, resulting in the final outcome, 4-1-0.

Visitors listening in to the meeting have questioned whether it is legal to pass what appears to be an incomplete budget as a final budget. The utility rates presented during the meeting appeared to be incomplete, and the wage sheet had errors.

Public comments section. Holling asked, "Why did Scott (McGowan) not get his pay raise?" Mayor Luck responded, "There was a pay raise in there. He did. There was a pay raise, just not the full amount he had asked for." (Following the meeting it was learned that McGowan had requested in a letter to the mayor a $5 per hour raise.) Holling continued, "Did you cap his insurance?" Luck responded, "Yes, the amount that came out of the insurance goes back into the salary, the 7.7 % insurance cap amount, just a little over a 2% raise." Holling, "And you keep him as a supervisor?" Luck: "Yes, he is kept as a supervisor." Holling, "I don't know how you can feel comfortable with that. So he got a $1 raise as a supervisor." Luck, "Correct." Holling, "I think it is a slap in the face." Lynn McGowan, "It is definitely a slap in the face." Luck, "I like to think that I've done what I could with the numbers that I have." Holling, "I don't think so." L. McGowan, "I don't think so either." Luck, "Anything else?" L. McGowan, "It is not right that you are giving him a $1 raise." Davenport at this point asked who was speaking, and Lynn McGowan identified herself (Scott McGowan's wife). L. McGowan, "You will have to think long and hard if you are going to have a supervisor, come the first of the year." Luck, "I certainly hope so." L. McGowan, "I really doubt it, to be honest with you. It is up to him. It will be his decision." Luck, "I hope not. Are there more comments on the budget? I will entertain a motion to adjourn."


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