Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 311
Mid-County Seniors The Mid-County Seniors held their quarterly meeting in January. Present were President Tim Campau, Lorraine Gilliland, Aileen Sweet, Billie and Gordon Herron. Discussion centered on the need for a substitute cook for Elizabeth Wolfe when she is unable to be there. The program is presently managing on donated funds, but more funding is needed to keep Senior Meals afloat. Since expenses are said to be higher than income each month, suggestions were to send a letter to organizations in town requesting yearly...
HARRINGTON – The Harrington City Council met for its first session of the new year with mayor pro tem Stephen Hardy calling it to order with council members Peter Davenport, David Buddrius and Joe Armand present, as well as visitors including Denisa Holling, Marge Womach, Tim Campou and Stan Roth. Hardy entertained additions to the agenda, to which Buddrius responded, asking to discuss the minutes of the Dec. 29 meeting. Hardy then added that he wanted to change the order as listed so that Mayor Jess Silhan's wish to have t...
HARRINGTON – The City of Harrington has a new mayor, Jess Silhan, and the challenges could be staggering to a less decisive personality. However, Silhan is showing himself to be an immediate responder to what most would consider an onslaught of problems. As most cities are battling the intense storms that covered streets with ice, snow or water, Harrington is as well. Portions of the infrastructure that have been neglected for years wasted no time in gaining the new mayor's attention. Without missing a beat, Silhan made decis...
Library program HARRINGTON – About a dozen students aged 5 to 12 attended the Harrington Public Library's after-school program on Dec. 16. Instructor Kris Moritz expressed appreciation of parents and other volunteers who caused the project session for making Christmas decorations to function smoothly. One project was a clear ball partially filled with Styrofoam beads. The students then painted and swirled the balls in glitter paint. The next group of decorations involved making balsa wood Santa and snowmen. The children w...
HARRINGTON – The Harrington Opera House Society met Monday evening, Dec 6. The meeting was called to order by Pres. Ellen Evans, with the following members present: Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Gordon and Billie Herron, Ed and Bunny Haugan, Linda Wagner, Karen Robertson and guest Heather Slack. Mark Stedman has located doors for the rummage room basement, and the group voted to accept the price quote. The group received an offer from the Zundel family, who wish to donate quilts and various hand-crafted family treasures to the o...
Rummage & Hometown Christmas Harrington Opera House Society's last Rummage Fundraiser of the year will be the first weekend in December, Friday, Dec. 3, and Saturday, Dec. 4, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be a wide range of all things Christmas, including lights and tree stands, furniture, lots of books, artwork and regular household items. Children's books and toys can be found in Santa's workshop. Featured at this event are several Molas, from circa 1940-1960, created by...
HARRINGTON – The monthly Harrington Public Library after-school program, led by Kris Moritz, met Nov 18, 2021, with 15 students attending. The session began with instruction pertaining to primary colors and the process of making secondary colors. The children seemed to enjoy the lesson and the discussion that followed. Evie Mann assisted Moritz, and several parents were present to help when needed. Joe Armand brought two of his exotic birds to share with the students, Jamie, a...
HARRINGTON – The Harrington Opera House Society met Monday, Oct. 4, with President Ellen Evans at the helm. Also present were Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Gordon and Billy Herron, Ed and Bunny Haugan, Becky Moeller, Linda Wagner and Karen Robertson. Financial reporting noted that year-to-date rummage donations amount to more than $8,000 to be used for various building projects. Jill Barth requests the use of the opera house on May 21 and 22, 2022 for a quilt show being held during the annual car show. The vote is 10-0 in favor o...
HARRINGTON – The Harrington Fall Festival is coming this weekend, Friday, Sept. 26-Sunday, Sept. 28. The Harrington Opera House Rummage Sale will open Friday, Sept. 24 at 9 a.m. and conclude at 3 p.m. Saturday will begin with the Pancake Breakfast from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Memorial Hall. Huff 'n' Puff Fun Run (with check-in time from 8:15-8:45) begins at 9 a.m. Also from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. will be the Harrington Opera House Rummage Sale and tours of the building from 9 a.m. to noon. The famous Lions Club BBQ is held at the c...
HARRINGTON – Historic researcher and storyteller Rebecca Hom has asked for our readers to look in their family's old letters and see if they have any information regarding the WASPs from World War II. As unlikely as it seems, local readers might have letters written by Katherine Applegate and Vivian Witt, Harrington alumni from the Class of 1921. It was Vivian who sent the obituary of Katherine to The Citizen. Vivian had been an early telephone operator in Harrington and later resided in Illinois where she was a professional...
HARRINGTON – Mayor Nathan Luck opened council’s Aug. 25 meeting with councilmembers Peter Davenport, David Buddrius, Justin Slack, Steven Hardy and Levi Schenk (by Zoom) and visitors Cherie MacClellan, Denisa Holling, Jess & Cynthia Silhan and Joe Armand. Mayor Luck gave a report on the street projects, stating that some asphalt was put in on Douglas and First (via a TIB grant), as was some chip sealing. "We will have a little money left over and will see what we can do with that money,” Luck said. Hardy asked if it could...
HARRINGTON – Mayor Nathan Luck opened council’s Aug. 25 meeting with councilmembers Peter Davenport, David Buddrius, Justin Slack, Steven Hardy and Levi Schenk (by Zoom) and visitors Cherie MacClellan, Denisa Holling, Jess & Cynthia Silhan and Joe Armand. Mayor Luck gave a report on the street projects, stating that some asphalt was put in on Douglas and First (via a TIB grant), as was some chip sealing. "We will have a little money left over and will see what we can do with that money,” Luck said. Hardy asked if it could...
Thursday, July 29, the Summer Reading Program concluded with Kris Moritz, leader, with two assistants, Evie Mann and Erica Bailey. During their reading and learning session the children seemed intrigued by some of the creatures: blobfish, goblin shark, bird-eating tarantula, Japanese spider crab and the dugong (a cousin to the manatee). One of their crafts was making animals out of play dough, which allowed them to express their creativity. The final project had guidelines....
HARRINGTON – The Harrington Opera House Society met July 12 in the lobby of the opera house. Mark Stedman and Karen Robertson offered to contact the Spokane Historical Preservation group for information regarding a structural engineer. An event has been approved for the Aug. 8, 2021, 4 p.m., which will feature Andres Jaramillo and will be coordinated with Stephen and Becky Hardy. Hardy volunteered to pay for the piano tuning prior to the event. Other upcoming events include th...
HARRINGTON – The Summer Reading Program for Harrington Public Library runs July 8-29 each Thursday from 3-5 p.m. at Harrington Memorial Hall under the direction of volunteer and local resident, Kris Moritz, who has conducted the program in 2019. Washington State Library provides the library with topics and manuals through their membership in the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP), to keep children reading during the summer months and prevent the "summer slide" that occurs when long periods of cessation of reading o...
HARRINGTON – With temperatures seemingly surpassing all previous June records for heat and lack of moisture, the human brain slows down to use commonplace sayings, thus conserving energy for other essential tasks. We all know that is was "hotter than blazes," and we wonder at the origin of another of our one-liners, "It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk." We found a willing science-minded family to test the validity of the latter phrase in Katie Steward and her t...
HARRINGTON – Harrington's First Annual Vintage Country Fair officially started June 26 at 11 a.m. with temperatures in the 90s and functioned through 3 p.m., when the heat touched 101 degrees as the fair closed down. Mayor Luck orchestrated a safety area between the vendors and traffic, marked off parking lines, put up signs and safety tape prior to the event. The Homemakers were located in the shade of the repurposed grain bin where they sold out in record time. Several a...
HARRINGTON – The city presently has two city clerks. The newly hired permanent city clerk is Jere Lee, who has been training under temporary clerk, Cynthia Silhan. The two are working together with the state auditor's representative on the audit following the deadline for the city's annual report. The plan is for each of the clerks to have training on the BIAS system. The clerks and Mayor Nathan Luck agreed that the most recent office design changes by former clerk Janice C...
HARRINGTON – Harrington City Council met in regular session at city hall on June 9 at 7 p.m. Council members present were David Buddrius, Peter Davenport, Justin Slack, Stephen Hardy and Levi Schenk. The Zoom line was live, and the entire meeting was streamed on YouTube. Mayor Luck led the meeting, which was attended by the two clerks, Cynthia Silhan and Jere Lee with two visitors, Denisa Holling and Jess Silhan. An additional visitor, Cherie MacClellan, arrived late in the meeting to present information on the vendor s...
HARRINGTON – Thursday afternoon, June 3, a few local citizens caught a preview of the graduation parade when a beautiful Belgian team in full harness pulled a four-seat surrey along the parade route, allowing the horses the opportunity to adapt to the sights and sounds in town and learning how they would manage crossing the railroad tracks. Driving the surrey was Riley Roller with his grandfather, Skip Simpson, behind him with instructions, and the two passengers were B...
HARRINGTON – Harrington High School's Baccalaureate service was held Sunday, May 30, in the city park. The seniors next event will be June 4 at 5 p.m. for the Harrington High School Graduation Parade, "marching towards greater heights," walking up 3rd Street to the school for Commencement at 5:15. Banners, each with a photo of a graduate, are flying on 3rd Street near city hall bearing the following names: Nagib Ayache, Riley Roller, Izabelle Burke (Kramer), Ashley Breault, Aidyn Lee and Alexys Crawford (Miss Harrington f...
HARRINGTON – The Harrington City Council met May 12 in the Memorial Hall with Mayor Nathan Luck chairing. Council members in attendance were David Buddrius, Justin Slack (via Zoom), Levi Schenk, Peter Davenport, Stephen Hardy and Cynthia Silhan as Clerk. Visitors identified were Scott McGowan, Lynn McGowan, Cherie MacClellan, Joe Armand, Jess Silhan and Denisa Holling. A lengthy discussion was held on code enforcement and how the city can address the problem of having o...
One woman honoring her father's dream brought literally hundreds of people to Harrington on Saturday, May 15, for the 9th Annual Car Show. Naturally, Jill Barth did have assistance to pull off this fete. Her father's dream continues. This year there were 153 registered cars with more than 200 cars in attendance. Many of these were first-timers registering for the event. "This was our first year hosting vendors onsite and our first year with a food truck. Everything was amazing...
HARRINGTON – One woman honoring her father's dream brought literally hundreds of people to Harrington on Saturday, May 15, for the 9th Annual Car Show. Naturally, Jill Barth did have assistance to pull off this fete. Her father's dream continues. This year there were 153 registered cars with more than 200 cars in attendance. Many of these were first-timers registering for the event. "This was our first year hosting vendors onsite and our first year with a food truck. Everythin...
HARRINGTON – The structure of the current Harrington Community Church was dedicated on October 22, 1961 by Pastor Berton D. Connerly of the then Community Congregational Church. The new brick structure incorporated the 1956 educational and social building; the former church buildings had been removed. In their program for the dedication service they traced the history of their church to 1884 when a Presbyterian Church was organized with 17 members, and a building erected in 1899 at a cost of just over $1,000. The Baptist C...