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Birthdays and anniversaries

Davenport birthdays

July 8: Bo Gunning, Kathy Johnson, Sarah Vesneske, Alton Leisle, Joyce Walsh, Kaiden Bodeau

July 9: Bob Fisher, Claudia Thompson, Wylie Hendrickson, Bob Guhlke, Rachel Lacy

July 10: Nick Nicholls, Bronson Pankey, Logan Eldred

July 11: Tommy Wilkie

July 12: Juliann Janke, Margie Hall, Theresa Telford, John Stiles, Jason Schimek, Sam Posey, JJ Kowalkowski, Bentley Mitchell ♱

July 13: Milei Floyd, Judy Miller, Marlena Guhlke, Gene Johnson, Marilyn Arland, Mitchell Hale

July 14: Jan Stone, Robert Mielke

Davenport anniversaries

July 9: Nathan and Tori Mielke, Ryan and Shannon Janke

July 10: Tyson and Rachel Lacy, Aaron and Andee Jacobsen, Jeff and Ashley Gunning, Aaron and Alicia Wilson

July 12: Rusty and Kerri McGuire, Richard and Bonnie Singer, John and Chris Cannon

July 13: Mike and Tania Strite, Heath and Heather Becker

July 14: Jared and Charlie King

Reardan birthdays

July 10: Brenda Dormaier

July 12: Don Holwegner

July 13: Landon Bell, Katie Cantrell

Reardan anniversaries

July 8: Paul and Lorri Williams

July 12: Ian and Rychelle Wagner

July 13: Todd and Andrea McLaughlin

Harrington birthdays

July 10: Renea Larmer, Silva Maloney-Kostyk

July 11: Dennis Bly, Robert Long

July 12: Johnny Williams, Juliann Janke

July 13: Randy Oestreich, Milei Floyd

July 14: Robert Mielke

Harrington anniversaries

July 8: Jacob and Haley Tanke, Ryan and Sundei Floyd

July 9: Mark and Shelley Hall

July 10: Jay and Susana Knapp, Geoffrey and Ashley Penrod

July 11: Crayton and Beth Oestreich

July 14: Gary and Lynn Maurer, Jared and Charli King

Odessa birthdays

July 8: Terry Goetz

July 9: Karin Hardt, Martha Todd

July 11: Kiegan Wehr

July 13: Laura Estes, Sidalee Skipper

July 14: Cole Bartell

Odessa anniversaries

July 9: Gary and Nancy Floether

July 13: Justin and Morgan Hunt

July 14: Wayne and Darice Wraspir, Adam and Sara Dirks, Dan and Randi Miller


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