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Police chief issues warning

ODESSA- Police Chief Les Jimerson said he saw about 40 cars parked facing the wrong way while patrolling last week at the Town Council meeting on Monday, Aug. 22.

Jimerson is starting to write citations for vehicles parked in the wrong directions.

He reported three failed stops and 10 speeding tickets.

Jimerson said only two of the speeding tickets were locals.

A man was pulled over after having a flat tire that was causing sparks. He was driving with a suspended license.

There were individuals reported sleeping at the water tower.

A fire was reported at 202 Second Second Street on Friday, Aug. 12.

The fire started in one garage and moved to the building adjacent.

The Odessa Fire Department was able to handle the flames promptly.

Jimerson reported that the investigation is still ongoing.

Two houses were reported for a nuisance order.

Jimerson reported two RVs that had individuals living in them.

Clerk/Treasurer Meri Jane Bohn said the town is still going through a single financial audit for the 2021 water project and it is in the final stages.

She said they are still training with the new computer software.

Bohn also said there were four applicants for the open Town Council seat.

She said there was one applicant for the Office Technician opening.

Building permits were granted for 307 South Second Street, 712 East Second Avenue and 512 Amende Drive.

The dog licensing ordinance discussion was tabled by the council as the penalties and fines need to be looked over once more.

Public Works Director Anthony Paszkeicz reported that the radar signs are now up.

Paszkeicz reported the water lines at the cemetery had been fixed.

A budget hearing is set for Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 5 p.m.


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