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Birthdays and anniversaries

Davenport birthdays

Sept. 2: Kacen Mann

Sept. 3: Timberly Welborn, Ashley Schenk, Billy Hopkins

Sept. 4: Loran Boggs, Riley Blauert

Sept. 5: Kerri McGuire, Emmett Prewitt

Sept. 7: Tammie Buck, Luke McCluskey, Eddie Bageant

Sept. 8: Barb Doty, Audrey Oehlwein

Davenport anniversaries

Sept. 6: Scott and Debbie Hutsell

Sept. 7: Rusty and Susie Warwick, Brian and Morgan Morcom, Lance and Melissa Johnson, Brett and Jordan Alspach

Sept. 8: Jesse and Jill Morrison, Matt and Desirae Wagner, Cody and Libby Murdock

Reardan birthdays

Sept. 2: Joe Holwegner

Sept. 3: Brayden Hedrick, Jay Graham

Sept. 4: Mason McDonald, Leo Rohner, Harry Grennay

Sept. 6: Luke McRae

Harrington birthdays

Sept. 2: Fiona Strozyk, Xander Hensley

Sept. 4: Priscilla Derr

Sept. 5: Austin Becker

Harrington anniversaries

Sept. 2: Justin and Heather Slack, Keenan and Marty Sells

Sept. 4: Kiel and Krissy Sells

Sept. 6: Bill and Barb Armstrong, Jeff and Elizabeth Sanders

Odessa birthdays

Sept. 4: Drew Hardung

Sept. 5: Jerry Schafer

Sept. 6: Kit Watson

Sept. 7: Todd King, Juli Weishaar

Sept. 8: Lukas Marshall

Sept. 9: Nyah Robbins

Sept. 10: Jahteya Pfeifer, Emily Walter, Merlin Jantz†

Odessa anniversaries

Sept. 5: Trevor & Paige Smith, Tony & Lori Weber,Jeffery & Julie Wehr

Sept. 8: Skip & Becky Regli


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