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Public Hearing

The Board of Commissioners of Lincoln County Public Hospital District No. 1 d.b.a. Odessa MEMORIAL HEALTHCARE CENTER, Lincoln County, Washington, has scheduled their Public hearing for the 2023 Budget for Thursday, November 10th at 5:30 p.m. along with their

regularly scheduled November board meeting, which will be held at 5:30 pm in the guild room. (Under Washington State law, when the date and time of a regularly scheduled meeting are changed or added, the meeting is called “a special meeting.”) The public hearing is for the purpose of fixing and adopting the 2023 fiscal budget. Copies of the 2023 budget are available for review at the hospital’s reception desk during regular business hours and at the hearing. The next scheduled meeting: Thursday, December 10th, 2022, at 5:30 pm in the Guild Room at the hospital. October 27, and November 3, 2022


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