Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Results for Lincoln County's uncontested races

DAVENPORT–-Five uncontested candidates were elected to office in Lincoln County on Nov. 8, and one levy passed.

J Scott Liebing received 3846 votes to be elected County Assessor. 69 write-in votes were cast.

Chandra Schumacher tallied 3881 votes to be elected County Auditor. 35 write-in votes were cast.

Traci Gants was elected County Clerk with 3830 votes. 54 write-in votes were cast.

Adam Walser was elected Prosecuting Attorney with 3744 votes. 55 write-in votes were cast.

Dan Johnson was elected District Court Judge with 3421 votes. 45 write-in votes were cast.

Fire District 1, which covers the Sprague area, passed its levy 64-41.


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