Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Gavin Wagner

Harrington City Council - Seat No. 5

Age: 46


Experience: Artist with a farming problem


Family: Married with two dogs and two cats

Answer each of the following questions in 100 words or less. Longer answers will be cut off at the word limit, regardless of whether it is complete.

Question 1: What is the biggest issue currently facing the city? Why is that the biggest issue?

The biggest issue with Harrington and the other surrounding communities is the influx of low income families who come here because its practically free to live here. This sounds harsh and heartless but anybody who's born and raised here will agree that these people move into our community and trash it up. They don't have any skin in the game when it comes to taking care of our town and picking up their yards. This is especially frustrating to others who have worked so hard restoring this town and trying to keep it alive.

Question 2: Is the current city council effectively leading the city in a positive direction? How would you enhance that perceived positive direction or correct a perceived negative direction?

I do believe there's a desire with the current city council to lead us in a positive direction. I just think there needs to be follow through. I feel that certain rules and laws need to be enforced. This includes having consequences enforced for having a mess of broken down vehicles and old furniture in your front yard. The problem is that a city council can create these rules and try to enforce them, but with the way our broken law system works we're not able to truly do a whole lot about it.

Question 3: Do you support or oppose growth and future builds in the city? Why do you hold this position? What restrictions should future builds have, if any?

I absolutely support growth and future builds in our city. My wife and I are currently building what's been called a "Monstrosity" of a building on our vacant lot. It's going to be a beautiful building with a modern look that will clean up an ugly lot. New businesses and shops are great for keeping this town alive and functioning. Developments with single wide trailers from the 1980's for low income families are not a something I support.


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