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Standardized testing results shown

Students tested on ELA, math, science

DAVENPORT — Every year, the state requires students to take standardized tests in English/language arts, math and science. Students are given the Smarter Balanced Assessment in ELA and math in grades 3-8 and 10 and Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science in grades 5,8 and 11.

Results from last school year were recently released by the state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for each school district and measured based on what percentage of students in each grade “met grade level standards” in each subject.

Davenport’s most successful ELA students were seventh graders, where 76.6% of students met standards. The lowest ELA mark was amongst third graders at 50% even.

Seventh graders were also highest at meeting standards in math at 70.2%, with sophomores at just 37.1%. Fifth graders had the highest percentage of standard met in science at 57.5%, while eighth graders were at 46.2% and juniors were at 47.9%.

Amongst all students combined, 63.2% of Davenport students met state standards in ELA, with 54.5% meeting math standards and 50% meeting science standards.

Sophomore students in Odessa achieved high ELA marks, with over 82% of students meeting standards. Fifth graders measured at around 17%, according to OSPI online data.

55.6% of Odessa third graders met standards in math, with fifth graders at around 17%.

58.8% of juniors met science standards, while fifth and eighth graders each measured at 33.3%.

Amongst all students combined, 47.8% of Odessa students met state standards in ELA, with 33.6% meeting standards in math and 42% in science.

Seventh graders averaged the highest percentage of met ELA standards in the Reardan-Edwall School District, with 65.3% of students doing so. Just 39.6% of fifth graders met standards.

48% of fourth graders met math standards, while 28.3% of fifth graders met standards.

49.1% of fifth graders met science standards, while 40.6% of eighth graders and 45.3% of juniors hit standard marks.

Amongst all students combined, 49.4% of Reardan-Edwall students met state standards in ELA, with 40.2% meeting math standards and 44.7% meeting science standards.

60% of Harrington seventh graders met ELA standards, while around 21% of fourth graders did so. 33.3% of third graders met math standards, the best percentage in the school. Around 21% of sixth graders hit the mark in math.

Science averages weren’t reported by grade in Harrington, as each grade had less than 10 students.

Across the school, 32.8% of Harrington students met state standards in ELA, with 19.4% meeting math standards and 33.3% meeting science standards.

Most grade averages weren’t reported in Sprague, but as a school, 40% of students met ELA standards, 36% met math standards and 45.5% met science standards.

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

Author photo

Drew Lawson is the editor of the Davenport Times. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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