Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking Back

100 years ago

• The Davenport School District held an election to determine whether the district would validate $6,900 in outstanding warrants.

• Lincoln County highways closed by order of state engineer Fred Doolittle and county engineer J.L. Thayer. Heavy traffic and frozen roads melting into flood-like conditions were cited in reasoning.

• Lambert McGee lost his leg when he fell off a freight train near Harrington and the train ran over said leg.

75 years ago

Davenport city council rejected a plea for putting pinball machines in the city.

• Grange Milling company announced plans to seek loans for building two new grain elevators costing more than $200,000.

• Lincoln County school superintendents passed a resolution asking the state to give a fair apportionment of state aid funds, arguing “cow counties” were getting the short end of the stick.

50 years ago

• The Davenport School District asked patrons to approve a $316,285 special levy due to inflation and a $2 million tax shift.

• 5-year-old Eric Etue of Fruitland brought the first buttercups of the season into the newspaper office.

• Pete Brommer, Ruth Kelso and Bill Heinrichs were sworn in by clerk Gladys Newcomb as Reardan town councilmembers, while Omer Rew was sworn in as Mayor.

25 years ago

• A new metal roof was installed on the Harrington Opera House as part of the Opera House Society’s restoration project.

• The Sprague-Harrington athletic cooperative returned to 8-man football after four years as a B-11 squad.

• Sterling Savings Bank in Spokane won an $89,900 grant to preserve 18 affordable apartments in Davenport, which were planned to be Cottonwood Springs II.

10 years ago

• Two public hearings were held as part of the process of designating portions of open range in the Egypt area as “stock-restrictive.”

• Most Lincoln County residents had reason to celebrate after the Seattle Seahawks defeated the Denver Broncos 43-8 in Super Bowl XLVIII.

• The Lincoln County Commissioners debated building a new county shop building on Public Works Department grounds.


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