Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

What is Our Story

Every town has a story. What is Odessa’s story? The true story cannot be dictated by a town banner or a marketing campaign. Unconsciously, every person who travels through our town characterizes Odessa. Is it the tale we want told? Are we progressive or are we conservative? (I don't mean Democratic or Republican parties). Is Odessa hip and cool or is it family friendly? Are we dead or are we vibrant? Are we clean or are we dirty. Are our neighborhoods vacant or are they thriving? Is your property neat and tidy or overgrown and cluttered with junk? (Just thought I'd sneak that one in) Is the downtown run down or is it revitalized? Is Odessa a small town or a big city? Are we entrepreneurial or agricultural? You see that not all these questions have a definitive right or wrong answer, but there is a perception that lies in the minds of our guests and visitors. We can and should take control of our destiny.

What is the town’s role? First on everyone’s minds are clean streets and repaired potholes. You don't want to hear excuses from me about funding and manpower shortages. I’ll accept my well-deserved D- and save the argument. All I can say is that it’s also on my list of priorities. We at the town will continue to seek several funding avenues to bring our streets up to standard. Second on my priority list is improved maintenance of all town facilities. It is truly a challenge for a small town of just 960 residents to maintain so many properties. With this overwhelming burden, one can only pick carefully from a large “need to do” list. Still to come (hopefully, yet this summer) is a clean new look for preservation of the Public Works Building. Our budget dictates the use of volunteers to make this a reality. I hope to organize a call for volunteers in the next month. Speaking from my perception and recall, the volunteers had a lot of fun giving the Community Center a facelift and I know with your help, we can do this again. We need you demolition maniacs back, a few wood butchers and some paint daubers. Sounds like a great family vacation, right? Get your sign-up pen ready!


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