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Odessa Gun Club results

Shooting 25 were Landon Lobe, Jared Praetorius and Brady Gies.Shooting 24 were Colley Walter, Jim Smith, Chris Phillips and Steve Telecky. Lane Lobe, Brandon Larmer, Hunter Bramer, Aaron Gies and Trevor Smith all shot 23. Shooting 22 were Traig Weishaar, William Mann, Ryan Lewis and Mike Nichols Jr., Dalles Deife, Harley Wraspir and Brian Wraspir shot 21.

Shooting 20 and under were Drew Hardung, Jon Fink, HaLee Walter, Daeton Deife, Daniel Mann, Greg T., Pilot Weishaar, Maddy Wagner, Cody Larmer, Wyatt Smith, Steve Seigel, Markham Nichols, Mike Nichols Sr., Trevor King, Bill Weber and Drew Fink.

High Handicap winners were Landon and Lane Lobe. High Doubles winner was Brady Gies. Bushwacker was Jon Fink. Miss N Out winner was Brady Gies and coming in second was Jim Smith. Winner of the Annie Oakley was Brady Gies.


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