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This Week in Odessa History

Odessa had a hot summer 100 years ago

100 years ago

From The Odessa Record

August 20, 1915

Hot weather hangs on. The unusual warm spell has continued throughout the past week, not one day since last Friday having shown a temperature as low as 90 and two days were as high as 97. The average for the past week has been 94 thus maintaining the same record as was established for the two weeks up to last Friday. In three weeks of hot weather just passed, through, the longest hot spell ever known in this country in the memory of old-timers, the thermometer has gone below 90 on just once day, Thursday, August 12th. On that date it was 89.

Irby notes: Irby is getting its share of the North Central traffic this August. Drivers come here in search of relief from the dust and ruts of the main roads. Not a one has left without praise for the cool waters of the Irby well. It is a great relief and certainly a friend maker.

75 years ago

From The Odessa Record

August 22, 1940

Vandals drive on grass at city park: Vandals deliberately drove a car over the lawn at the city park on Saturday night, guiding their car around trees and at one place narrowly missing a water faucet. The action was most discouraging for the public minded citizens of the town, who have worked hard to build a beautiful park, only to have their work set back by the rowdy actions of some individual.

Trading Company hits sales volume: Sales of $26,300 in new and used farm equipment within 10 days reported by W.C. Raugust, manager of the Odessa Trading company, including the sale of TD-9 International tractors to James Bros., George Borgens, Ritzville, and J.T. Thrall, Marlin, for a total of $9,000; TD-6 tractors to John Hoff, Marlin, Sam Braun, Odessa, and Henry Gies, Wheeler, for a total of $6,600; used tractors to G.F. SpF. Raugust, Davenport and C.L. Wiltse, Hunters, for a total of $3,800. New drills went to Schritter brothers, Franz Brothers and Reuben Fink and weeders to James brothers, Paul Bischoff and Jacob Oster.

College to attract several from Odessa: Many of the former Odessa high school students will enter college this fall. Among those who have indicated their choice are the following for Washington State college, Josephine Pavliska, Mary Virginia Wachter, Leslie Lee, Gordon Minard, Wray Schorzman and Lawrence (Bud) Giese, with Wilma Sackman and Virgil Kiesz planning on Cheney.

Parallel parking ruled for Odessa: The town council, meeting on Monday night, decided to enforce parallel parking on all Odessa business streets with one exception, the block running north and the one running west from the city hall. The street committee reported that the Fourth street foot bridge had been braced.

50 years ago

From The Odessa Record

August 19, 1965

Ambulance is ready to roll: A fine, new piece of emergency equipment has arrived in Odessa and has been equipped for operations. The new ambulance, purchased by the Lincoln-Adams Fire District, arrived August 6 and was equipped for operation during the past week, according to Merlin Traylor, hospital administrator.

Teen-age dances discontinued by town council: Except for the teen-age dance scheduled by the Riders Club Friday evening, Aug. 27, during the rodeo, all other teen-age dances have been cancelled, effective immediately, by the Town Council. The action was taken Monday evening after a growing number of reports from neighboring communities indicating that the dances were becoming a spawning ground for too much partying. Reports received by the council members were to the effect that although conditions at the dances weren’t bad, the after-hours and beer caches were creating problems for law enforcement officers here and in other neighboring towns.

25 years ago

From The Odessa Record

August 23, 1990

It was described by area television as a tropical storm, and it blew into Odessa from the east, unusual wind direction for the area. At the airport, the wind blew into the Smith Air, Inc. hangar, tossed corrugated sheet metal through fences and into fields west of the airport and left Mark Smith’s aircraft and vehicles damaged, the hangar demolished and literally blown away. At dusk the rain was still heavy, and more than an inch fell overnight. There were no reports of injuries in the area but property damage from wind and rain ranged from moderate to severe. More than a half-dozen trees in town fell victim to the high wind.

10 years ago

From The Odessa Record

August 18, 2005

Gerry Goetz was named grand marshal of the Deutschesfest parade. She was a member of the original steering committee for the first Deutschesfest in 1971. That year she was named food chairman, a position she held for 17 years.

Efforts were under way to spruce up the town in anticipation of Fest. At the same time, the Lincoln County Fair was in full swing, with many Odessa residents exhibiting.


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