Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

This Week in Odessa History Barnum generous, Christmas trees coming, Santa to visit,Odessa takes B-8 title.

100 years ago

The Odessa Record

December 12, 1918

Barnum generous manager. According to the original contract which Barnum made with Jenny Lind, she contracting to sing 150 concerts in the United States and Havana for $1,000 a concert, the contract providing, however, that if Barnum made a clear profit of sterling from the first 75 concerts, Miss Lind should, for the remaining 75 concerts, receive, in addition of $1,000 0 concert, one-fifth of the profits; but that, on the other hand, if the first 50 concerts fell short of Barnum’s expectations, she could have half of the gross receipts from the remaining 100 concerts. Before the concerts began, however, that contract was, at Barnum’s instance, rescinded and a new contract made which resulted In Miss Lind’s receiving in profits from the concerts which she gave under it almost twice as much as she would have received under the original contract.

Want a Christmas tree? The Edwards & Bradford and G.W. Finney Lumber companies have ordered their regular stock of Xmas trees for their patrons and expect them to arrive in a week or so, so as to be ready for early distribution. There will be enough trees for all but those that come first get their choice. There will also be a few larger trees for churches or Schools. They are free for the asking so if you want one better come early. Distribution will be made from each lumber yard office.

Boys make cleanup. Saturday was a busy day with the small boys around town who were practically all in the commission business helping Arthur Merner of Chelan dispose of his carload of apples. The price asked 50 cents and $1.00 a box was ridiculously low for boxed apples in Odessa. Many of them were of the fifty cent kind, but that did not stop the kids from unloading them on relatives or friends. The commission paid was five cents for sale and five cents for delivery per box and the was some of those youngsters went out after business showed plenty of good material that only needs developing to furnish future business men for Odessa. Gene Weber ranked high on the day’s business, having earned up $2.25 for his work. Marcus Reike was a close second, and a number cleaned up better than a dollar. Most of the apples were delivered by the boys with their express wagons and over 300 boxes were sold that clay. The car originally had nearly 700 boxes, and Tuesday Mr. Merner shipped what was left 225 boxes to finish up selling them there.

Evidence of little worth. Illegibility of Shakespeare’s signature does not prove he did not write the immortal plays.

Sorne years ago, when the Shakespeare controversy was at its height, one of the contentions of tho party who declared that the bard not only had not written the immortal plays but could not even write own name, gave as evidence the existing signatures that are of undoubted authenticity.

On the game grounds it might be argued that Richard III was unable to write, if one decided the matter from the signature to ea , treaty of peace with Francis, Duke of Brittany, which is reproduced in London dealer’s catalogue just received.

It is a mystery how the cataloger managed to make “Richard Rex” out of the shaky scribble which Is there reproduced. It would be quite as likely to stand for Will Shakespeare, were it not that smaller word stands second and the longer one first.

Flu takes Henry Horst Jr. The body of Henry Horst Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horst, who died at American Falls, Idaho, of influenza Monday, arrived at Odessa for burial yesterday.

Henry was raised in the Odessa country but left here several years ago to take up farming in a new country and settled in Idaho. He was in army service at Camp Lewis for a while last summer, but was later discharged as being too small of statue to meet army regulation and was here last summer while on his way home from the camp. He had been ill only a few days, his parents not knowing of his sickness until they were notified by wire Sunday that his condition was critical and while they were getting ready to go to his bedside, word came of his death.

Funeral services were held outside the home yesterday afternoon, Rev. Christensen officiating, after which burial took place at the Zion Lutheran cemetery southwest of town.

A home made broom. Joseph Koth presented the Record office with a home made broom this week. He grew the broom corn and made it. The workmanship on it is not quite up to the real factory article but it is not bad for a novice, and the straw is very fair length. Mr. Koth never grew broom corn before and planted just a little as an experiment and it exceeded his expectations. He intends planting more next year and giving it a thorough tryout on his place near Irby.

Hypodermic syringe in crime. Du Chaillon, who invented the hypodermic syringe, seems to have been a sort of Fagin. He established in Paris a school of crime from which such youngsters as “Charely Bates” and the “Artful Dodger” graduated. Stimulated by an injection of morphine or some other drug, they went out to do great deeds in the criminal line. When the “school” was raided the principal escaped, but evidence was found to show his part in some daring crimes. Physicians attached to the criminal bureau saw the great advantage of the hypodermic syringe, and it has ever since been a recognized agency in medical practice.

Money no the object. Our obligation to our own soldiers and sailors and the privileged of ministering to the sick and wounded, of feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and rebuilding the waste places of our associates in the war, call the entire American people to the support of the Red Cross spirit now as never before. The money to be raised in membership dues is secondary. It is the spiritual phase that is important, for it will show the suffering people will see them through their experience to the very end.

Mrs. Moad Mayor of Spangle. Mrs. Betty Moad, who will be well remembered here as the owner of the old Stanfield ranch just west of Odessa, several years ago, has just been elected mayor of Spangle where she now resides. The announcement of her election will be a surprise to Odessa people for while she was known as a successful business woman, while here she never dabbled in politics or seemed politically inclined. At Spangle, however, she has been quite active in church, lodge and Red Cross work and easily landed int Mayor’s office which gives her not only the distinction of being the first woman mayor in the state of Washington, but the privilege of bossing her husband, who was elected a member of the Spangle city council at the same election.

75 years ago

The Odessa Record

December 9, 1943

Christmas trees are going out. Tuesday was Christmas tree day in Odessa, when the shipment came in for the G. W. Finney Lumber company and the Odessa Union Warehouse company. A parade started as soon as it became evident the trees had arrived. Free Christmas trees

I for this community has been a practice of the firms for approximately 40 years.

Aged Wilbur woman injured in wreck. Mrs. A.H. Jarchow, 82, Wilbur, was taken by ambulance to a Spokane hospital on Monday, her kneecap fractured and suffering from shock and bad bruises after the car in which she rode left the Sunset highway about a miles west of Wilbur and tumbled into Goose creek.

The accident occurred when her husband, also 82, was blinded by the bright sunshine. They are -prominent pioneer wheat growers of Govan. Her husband’s injuries were slight.

Biggest shipments of grain carloads. All previous records for number of cars of grain loaded on the Great Northern system between June 1 and December 1 were broken during the last six-month period when 86,425 cars of grain were loaded and shipped, the company announced.

This was an increase of about 38 per cent or nearly 24,000 cars over the same period in 1942.

For the month of November a total of 11,505 cars of grain were loaded, the largest figure for that month since 1928.

Drives into path of moving train. Misunderstanding the signal of a trainman at the Fourth street crossing Friday evening, J. B. Loeffelbein drove his car in front of a moving train, and was carried 64 feet up the track before the train could be stopped.

Loeffelbein had stopped his car at the tracks, where the train was standing and awaited clearance of right of way. When the train man waved his lantern he took it as a go-ahead signal and started across the track. The train started at the same time, catching the car broadside.

The connector equipment of the railway car caught the auto and kept it from overturning as it plowed along the track and Loeffelbein, who was alone in the car, escaped without injury. The car was badly damaged.

English Aid Names Officers for Year. The English Congregational ladies’ aid named officers on Wednesday, choosing Mrs. M. J. Galle, president; Mrs. Homer Kennedy, vice-president; Mrs. E. E. Newland, secretary; Mrs. Roy Walter, treasurer, and Mrs. Otto Weber, musician.

Mrs. Horner Kennedy was given a vote of thanks for her work as president during the past year. Hostesses were Mrs. Roy Walter, Mrs. Homer Kennedy and Mrs. J. B. Odell. There were 23 adults and five children present.

Self assessing plan for Lincoln County. The Lincoln county assessor’s office is inaugurating the self-assessing plan of personal property values for the coming year (1944). The assessment sheets will be mailed to all farmers and business houses on about January 1st. This plan is a war measure to conserve gasoline and rubber.

It has been tried in other counties and the honor system has proved equally as good as the personal call. With the full cooperation of the taxpayers in Lincoln county, this should be successful.

Taxpayers time growing short. Taxpayers required to file income tax estimates were reminded today by Collector of Internal revenue Clark Squire, that December 15 is the last day on which declarations can be made or corrected under the current tax payment act of 1943. Although a number voluntarily filed declarations along with nearly twelve million other persons in the nation September 15, farmers are not re-quired, under the law, to file their first estimate of 1943 income until December 15.

December 15 is also a filing date for two other classes of citizens, Squire declared. Anyone who filed a declaration on or before September 15 but who underestimated his tax substantially—20 per cent in the case of a non-farmer or 33 1/3 percent in the case of a farmer—should file an amended declaration by December 15 to avoid penalties prescribed by law for such substantial underestimates.

The special provisions relative to farmers apply to all persons who expect that at least 80 per cent of their total gross income from all sources will be from farming.

Other persons who must file by December 15 are those who did not file in September because they anticipated that their income for the year would not be sufficient to require filing, but who now find their income will be high enough to make them subject to a declaration.

Extensive efforts have been made to provide farmers with all the information they will need to complete the December 15 filing, according to the Collector. Many farmers, he said, already have the forms which were sent them in August. These forms are still good and may be used. Any farmers needing more forms, however, will be supplied upon request to any of the Internal Revenue offices in the district.

50 years ago

The Odessa Record December 12, 1968

To call bids on 2nd bacon siphon & tunnel. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation plans to call for bids next spring for the start of construction on the second Bacon siphon and tunnel opening the second phase of the Columbia Basin Project. Acting Commissioner Gilbert G. Stamm notified Roy Mundy, president of the Columbia Basin Development League, Ephrata, in a letter received Tuesday, that the USBR plans to let the first contract for construction of the $13.5 million project south of Coulee City by June 1969.

Construction of the second bore of the Bacon siphon will more than double the water delivery capacity of the Columbia Basin Project and make possible the irrigation of an additional half million acres already authorized in the East High section of the Basin. The addition of new lands has been practically at a standstill the last few years because of the restriction on the system’s water delivery capacity at the Bacon siphon.

The timetable for construction of the siphon calls for completion by the spring of 1973 in time for first delivery of water on that year’s crops in the area lying east of the present irrigated area of the Basin.

“We are now proceeding with the preparation of designs and specifications for the Bacon tunnel and we expect to call for bids next spring and award the contract in June 1969,” Stamm said in the letter to Mundy.

The project will employ between 200 and 300 men at its peak. In addition to furnishing water for the inclusion of new land in the project, if also will provide water to irrigate land that was bypassed during the initial development of the project.

Memo from Santa:


A note from Santa Claus indicates that he intends to be visiting in Odessa on Saturday afternoon, December 21, at the City Hall. “Be sure to stop by and say ‘Hello’ “ Santa says. “Odessa Chamber of Commerce members will be assisting me in handing out sacks of candy, nuts and fruit, too See you there!”

Christmas Concert by Music Department Set Sunday at 4:00.The Annual Christmas Concert, presented by the grade and high school music departments, will be held in the new gym on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 15 at 4 p.m., according to Dale Shetler, music director of the Odessa schools.

The program will open with the high school band and choir performing Christmas Fanfare, accompanied by a brass ensemble. The program will consist mainly of Christmas music, with the junior band and choir, the 4th grade flutes and the sixth grade band also performing. The high school band will perform a Russian Chorale and Overture based on Tchaikovsky’s Opus 39. No. 24.

The Tiger ensemble of 16 voices will sing “Do You Hear What I Hear” with a special percussion accompaniment. The Junior high band will lead the audience in some Christmas caroling.

The high school choir has invited all parents and friends of the performers to attend an open house following the concert in the grade school cafeteria. Refreshments will be served. Those who wish will have an opportunity to donate to a fund for the purchase of new choir robes.

First wrestling matches Wednesday. The first wrestling matches for the newly-organized sport at Odessa high school will be held here next Wednesday evening, Dec. 1 8. Matches will be held with wrestlers from Grand Coulee high school. Weigh-in time has been set as 7:00 p.m., according to Robert Riesterer. PE instructor and wrestling coach.

No further competitive matches will be held until January 7, after the Christmas school holiday.

Fifteen young men have been certified under Washington Interscholastic Activities association rules to represent OHS. According to Prin. Al Latimer. They include John Schafer, Alan Voise, Tom Weishaar, and Ron Keller, freshmen; Steven Larson, Mark Cronrath, Dean Michaelsen, Tracy Kissler, and Virgil Schmidt, sophomores; Ken Kern and Bill Schlimmer, juniors; and Larry Smith, Tom F rick, Randy Suko, and Jeff Praetorius, seniors.

The public is invited to attend these opening matches at the gymnasium. Tickets will be available at the door. The Grand Coulee matches had originally been scheduled for December 19th, but were moved up one day.

Royal Neighbors elect; children’s party the 15th. The following officers were elected for the next year: Ann Bates, oracle; Esther Hofstrand, vice oracle; Nancy Kramer, chancellor; Clara Totusek, recorder; lone Zeiler, receiver; Nellie Kissler, marshal; Pat Smith, inner sentinel; Inez Lobe, outer sentinel; Ruth Hardt, past oracle; Sally Ott manager.

Hostesses LaDerma Wacker, Midge Oliver and Esther Hofstrand served crab salad with an assortment of crackers, pickles, mints and nuts, and coffee on tables decorated with the Christmas motif. Money maker, brought by Marlene Homberg, was won by Ida Weber. Draw prizes were won by Nancy Kramer, Inez Lobe and Emma Aherin.

Christmas party for the children will be December 5th at 6 p.m. at the city hall. Hostesses will be Lois Iksic, lone Zeiler, Marylou Walter, and Eleanor Reihs.

The last social party winners for pinochle were Anne Schorzman high, Vera Mae Walter low; gentlemen winners were A1 Hardt high, Louis Wraspir, low; tripoley Lola Kramer. Draw prizes were won by Gloria Wraspir and Clara Totusek.

25 years ago

The Odessa Record

December 9, 1993

Odessa takes state b-8 title. By Linda Gustafson. If ever there was a time for a bank robbery (luckily there wasn’t), it must have been Saturday, December 4, when the Odessa Tigers met the Clallam Bay Bruins at the Kingdome in Seattle for an early wake-up game at 9:30 a.m. for the State B-8 football game championship, which the Tigers won 18-12. Either town could have been robbed, with as many fans as were in the Kingdome.

Most Odessa fans made the trip to Seattle the day before, enjoying some shopping in the big city or visiting with friends while others watched the Tigers practice in the Kingdome. However, the true diehard-- I don’t want to drive over the pass--fans had the earliest of travel time by being on the rooter’s bus at 3:30 a.m. How they all looked so chipper and ready to with the game is beyond me.

The Tigers had arrived in Seattle Thursday evening following a pep rally in downtown Odessa. The citizens of Odessa have always been very generous with well wishes for the players in the form of treats, balloons, gifts and cards. Thursday was no exception as the team left town loaded with goodies, sirens blaring from the fire engines and police cars with, of course, the mighty Tiger-mobile in front of the bus. Friday they had a practice in the Kingdome.

On Saturday morning the lobby of the Marriott Hotel was filled with Odessa people. Everyone was itching to get to the ‘Dome.’ Of course the biggest question was what is the quickest route? Because the gates were not going to open until 9 a.m., we thought getting to the Kingdome at 8:45 would be just right, boy, what a surprise as we pulled up to a line of traffic both ways and all of them turning into the parking lot. It was fun standing in line seeing ex Odessa residents who decided to come visit old friends. College students had braved the “pass” in the morning (they’re too poor to spend the night) to watch their friends play.

We had friends who cam from Port Angeles to watch the game. Larry’s brother, Fred and his daughter, Heather, were there. Fred had watched the Tigers slaughter the Neah Bay Red Devils in 1989 and was hoping for a repeat. Two other friends of our who have spent time snowmobiling with Odessa people, Dave and Darnel Edwards, came because they had never seen eight-man football and they wanted to watch some of the boys they knew when they were younger. Dave is also from Forks, which isn’t’ far from Clallam Bay.

The stage was set for a real match-up between teams. Clallam Bay was a team that played like Hunters, Odessa had been told. The Bruins were not quite sure about the Tigers, but everyone was anxious to watch a good game. An article from the Peninsula Daily News , of Port Angeles, said the Bruins knew Odessa did a lot of things they hadn’t seen other teams do, like pitches, draws and screen passes.

What we all got was anything but typical of a B-8 game, in fact, what we got was the lowest scoring game from two teams since 1982 when LaCrosse/Washtucna beat Clallam Bay, 30-12. The last time Odessa had won in the Kingdome was against Neah Bay with a whopping score of 74-28. I know many of us were looking forward to lots of touchdowns and big gains. Instead, we watched a great defensive game. Odessa and Clallam Bay were contrasting teams, with the Tigers being an offense-oriented team averaging 46.7 points per game while the Bruins are a defense-driven club that had allowed just 14 points an outing. This definitely made for a great match up.

IRS looking for recipients of undelivered tax refunds. The Internal Revenue Service is looking for 2,381 Washington state taxpayers who have not gotten their refund checks.

The Average undelivered refund is $188 and the total amount returned to the IRS is $447,700, according to Judy Monahan , IRS spokesperson.

This past year, Washington state taxpayers filed more that 2.3 million individual tax returns. Very few refund checks do not get delivered said Monahan. Often, the taxpayer had moved and has not sent the IRS a change of address-Form 8822, she said. Sometimes handwriting on the tax returns address is not legible enough to mail the enough to mail the refund. Taxpayers who file returms electronically avoid delays because direct deposit eliminates the possibility of lost, stolen or undeliverable refund checks, the IRS Advises.

Storage facilities again approved. Grains stored in the Odessa Trading Company, Odessa Union Warehouse Co-op, Ritzville Warehouse Company, Central Washington grain Growers and the Reardan Grain Growers are again eligible for price support, as the facilities have been restored to the list of Warehouses approved by the Commodity Credit Corporation, the Lincoln County ASCS office stated last week.

Suspension of the warehouse has been lifted by the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Commodity Office in Lincoln County following an investigation which showed the facilities now are fully complying with provisions of the Uniform Grain Storage Agreement controlling the storage of government-owned grains.


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