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Pastor's Corner

Jesus is coming again

As we approach the end of the colder months and look forward to the warmth of the summer, we start getting excited about the fun summer will bring. If your family is anything like mine, we start planning for summer and what we will be doing at this time of the year. Many times we spend more time planning our vacation than we do enjoying it. It has been said that it is more fun planning than actually going on the vacations. I know that at this point in the year it is hard to think of anything but the warmth of summer or sitting on the beach or fishing at your favorite fishing hole. Whatever the case, most of us do not just leave it up to chance. We plan and prepare for those two weeks like our whole year’s success depends on those two weeks of vacation.

Around the first of the year at church we talked about the fact that Jesus is coming again. The scripture says in Acts 1:11 that “this same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Now I am wondering if most of us who will spend months planning our summer vacation will spend time planning our future in heaven. We all like the thought of going to heaven and spending eternity with our loved ones in heaven, free from the pressures of this life. If you have been under the impression that those who go to church will go to heaven, I’m sorry to tell you, but church attendance is not the criterion for going through those pearly gates.

The Bible is clear about what we have to do and it is not that difficult; it is making Jesus LORD of our lives. Making him Lord is not just another name we use in church, it is surrendering to his will and plan for our lives. Surrendering is not just a one-time event, but a lifelong, day-by-day experience with our Lord.

Okay, we don’t leave our vacation plans up to chance, so why would we do so with eternity hanging in the balance. Jesus is coming again, so the question is, are you going to be ready when He does? If you don’t know and would like to rest in the confidence of knowing, you can pray this simple prayer, “Dear Jesus, come into my life and be Lord. I surrender to you today. I believe that you died for my sins and rose again so I can live for you. I surrender all my plans to you. Come and be Lord of my life. Come and make something out of my life. Amen.”

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter; may your life be changed for eternity. – Bill Cox, Foursquare Church


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