100 years ago
Jennie O’Bell Young and husband Harry Young were acquitted of arson in the matter of the fire that destroyed the Rocklyn Store and adjoining house. 66 witnesses testified during the 6 day trial.
The State Senate voted down the proposed child labor bill. Local Senator Charles Myers maintained the position that it was easier to teach a child how to work when they were younger rather than older and that working prevented idleness which led to boys joining gangs and ending up in penal institutions.
Lydia Melcher, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs George Melcher, broke her leg while coasting. The break was between the knee and ankle and happened as a result of her sled running into a fence post on the family farm.
75 years ago
The county jail was empty for the first time in several weeks after Sheriff Rambo took convicted burglars Richard Williams and James Allen to Spokane to meet a traveling prison guard.
A coal shortage brought about by the extremely cold weather that has plagued Davenport recently. C.W. Richards, local fuel dealer is expecting four loads of coal to be delivered this week.
The parking lot at the Odessa hospital was the scene of an interesting development when steam started rising through the snow. It was decided that during hospital construction some lime may have been dumped at this part of the grounds and slaking brought the chemical action to steam.
1 Dozen Eggs $.39 25 lb sack of Flour $1.98
50 years ago
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Groh were honored by their children on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. The Groh’s were married in 1925 in Odessa and farmed northeast of town until their retirement five years ago.
Davenport’s library trustees decided to offer the position of librarian to Verna Johns. Mrs. Johns currently works as assistant librarian under Ellen Wilbur who has resigned.
Harry Krause, Harrington school superintendent recently shared with board members that Harrington schools have a 100% graduation rate and that 81% of those graduates pursue higher education.
3 lb. can of Hills Bros coffee $3.69
25 years ago
Lincoln Hospital District #1 is hoping that voters will approve the Maintenance and operation levy again this year. The hospital district is consistently working to upgrade its systems and equipment in an effort to continue to meet the needs of the community.
Davenport police chief Charlie Varain was terminated by new Mayor Chuck Johnston. Johnston said it was in the city’s best interest. Varain has hired an attorney to contest the termination that he said came without reason.
More than 15 young people from the Harrington senior high youth group will go without food for 30 hours next month to help fight hunger and poverty around the world. Participants ask sponsors them with pledges.
10 years ago
Winterfest activities last week between Reardan and Davenport included Basketball games and spirit competitions and a food drive. The Golden Plunger is staying in Davenport for another year.
This year’s Laurence Jayne award was presented to Mark and Marcia Smith last week at the Davenport Chamber of Commerce meeting. This recognition is for “faithfully serving our city and surrounds for the past 15 years.”
The Odessa Lion’s Club hosted their annual Crab feed last week. Freshly caught and transported to Odessa for the feed, the crab is also served with prime rib, baked beans, potato salad and garlic bread. This is one of the clubs largest fundraisers.
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