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WWI-era soldier's letter, 4-H club news

100 years ago

The Odessa Record

April 19, 1918

Fred Lenhart writes from Bronx, N.Y., April 8, 1918

Dear Mr. Weik,

As it is raining this afternoon so we can’t work, I thought I’d write you a few lines, as I think you will be interested to know how and where some of the “home town” boys are. Two other Odessa boys, “Babe” Smith, John Roth and myself left Camp Lewis in December and landed in good shape in Washington, D.C. We had a nice stay in tents down there. It was rather chilly, but we pulled thru in the best of health.

I left Washington in February leaving the other two from Odessa there and don’t know just where they are now. Eighteen other boys and I came up here to work around the hospital and after I was here a few days only, I found myself as a ‘patient’ in one of the wards, being quarantined for a month on account of diphtheria breaking out, so they held a number of us to keep from spreading the disease, although I enjoyed the best of health.

We get very good food here and all the boys seem to improve, that is gain in weight, as we work only eight hours a day and have the rest of the time for ourselves. So we spend part of our time “seeing the city” and at the Y.M.C.A. The branch of service I belong to is the Quartermaster Corps. I have had no drilling since I left Camp Lewis, but have had my eight hours a day work whenever I wasn’t in quarantine.

The weather here has been rather hot the last few days, but today’s rain will cool things off again. Will close.

Best regards to everybody

Fred Lenhart U.S. General Hospital, Gun Hill Rd. and Rainbridge Ave., Q.M.C., Bronx, N.Y.

Volunteers fail to raise quota; Odessa still lacks $10,000 to go over

Loan committee is thoroughly organized and will go after all slackers.

Every town in Lincoln county except Odessa went “over the top” with its quota in the sale of Third Liberty loan bonds during “Honor Week.” This is not a good advertisement for Odessa, which still lacks about $10,000 of having its quota and it is more the result of misunderstanding than a fault of either the community or the Liberty Loan committee. It was generally understood among the members of the committee that it was more than probable that the honor period would be extended another week and close April 20th and for this reason work was not begun here until the date set for the drive, April 6th, while in many towns in the Big Bend work begun from a week to ten days before, and the date set for Odessa’s Liberty Loan rally was April 20th, a full week after the honor period closed.

75 years ago

April 15, 1943

Club members hold judging practice: The Odessa 4-H beef club members held a meeting at the Mark Smith and Praetorious brothers ranches, where they had access to several groups of choice beef steers for practice judging and coaching on showmanship, as a warmup practice before the Odessa and Spokane junior livestock shows.

Those taking part in the contest where Bud and Bob Praetorious, Bill and Benny Smith, Joanne, Wayne and Myron Walter, Dick Laney, Frankie Groh, Mary Ann Smith and Joyce Napier.

Bob Praetorious, Bill Smith and Wayne Walter turned in perfect scores on judging, all the other members turning in very creditable cards.

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Praetorious served a substantial lunch to the youngsters and visitors at the close of the meeting, states Joyce Napier, club reporter.

The Odessa show will be held on April 24, and the Spokane show on May 5, 6 and 7.

English aid meets, plans cleanup day: The English Congregational ladies’ aid met on Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. Homer Kennedy presiding. Mrs. Joe C. Laney was acting secretary. The calling committee reported 12 calls. Mrs. Herb Kuest was appointed to the calling committee.

Hostesses were Mrs. Emma Richardson, Mrs. D.A. Laney and Mrs. W.P. Smith. There were 31 adults and two children present. The program consisted of a talk on nutrition by Mrs. Joe C. Laney and piano solo by Willard Graedel.

The aid has issued a call for volunteers from among the church members to assist in cleaning the church auditorium next Wednesday. The group will assemble at church at 9 o’clock.

50 years ago

April 18, 1968

Otto Amen will be a candidate: Representative Otto Amen has announced that he will be a candidate for re-election to the Washington State house of representatives for district 9-B, comprised of Lincoln and Adams Counties.

Amen, a Republican, is now serving in this capacity, having been elected to the office in 1966.

In the last session he served on the Agriculture, Natural Resources, Public Institutions and Youth Development, and Transportation Committees.

During the interim he is serving on the Legislative Council and the Legislative Council Committee on Commerce, Industry, Trades and Professions.

Prior to serving in the legislature, Amen was active in agricultural organizations, having served as President of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers, Western Wheat Associates and as Chairman of the Washington Wheat Commission. He has also served on advisory committees for Washington State University and the State Department of Agriculture.

Representative and Mrs. Amen live on and operate a wheat farm on the Adams-Lincoln county line, half-way between Ritzville and Odessa.

He is a graduate of Odessa High School and Washington State University.

Doctor Anderson leaving Odessa: Dr. James L. Anderson and family will be leaving Odessa this summer.

The family will be moving to Seattle where he will undertake specialty training, it was announced in Odessa this week. The tentative moving date has been set as June 15.

Dr. Anderson is a partner in the Odessa Clinic with Dr. Kenneth E. Gudgel and will continue his practice there during the intervening period.

25 years ago

April 15, 1993

Town ready for its 1993 Spring Fling: With Odessa’s Spring Fling on April 24 fast approaching, the Chamber of Commerce committee in charge of events has been scurrying about, phones are ringing for the reservation of craft tables and space at the quilt show and the Lions Club is preparing for an influx of trout in the fish pond.

Odessa’s annual spring celebration will be the start of a busy season. The idea of a mini-fest in the spring was born many years ago, and at first there was little enthusiasm. Some community leaders felt that one fest --Deutschesfest-- was enough in one year. But year by year, the event has begun to grow. New features have been added, and this year more and greater attractions will be offered than ever before.

Last year the trout pond was Spring Fling’s biggest sensation.

This year the Lions Club will be the sponsors of the pond. There will be 290 trout available for the young fishermen. Hot dogs and pop will be for sale at the fish pond. It will again be held in the Washington Water Power Building.

The Odessa Quilt Club will present their first quilt show at the Heritage United Church of Christ. At the present time the group is expecting approximately 100 quilts and wall hangings to be on display for viewing.

There will also be fabric and supplies that are needed by quilters for sale from area dealers.

Not all the quilts are new, some will display their ancestor’s quilts. The Quilt Club plans to make this an annual event. If there are too many quilts for the church, a spokesman for the group says they will have the overflow at the Heritage Chapel. The group hopes to make this an annual event.

Twenty-seven tables have been rented for the Community Center for the arts and crafts. Also being offered at the Community Center is baked goods from Grannie BarBar and lunch by Lean Edge Meats.

Some of the items for sale will be wheat weaving, porcelain jewelry, dolls, wood crafts, plants, and much more. Parkside Day Care will have a children’s game.

There will be a horse adoption at the Lakeview Ranch. The final 90 people have been selected through a screening process. Of that 90, the BLM will draw out of a hat about 30 names. They will be the lucky horse owners and will pay their $125 and get a horse.

Clarene Haynie has received seven phone calls for yard sales. She is making a yard sale map depicting where each sale is being held. Clarene said she is getting more calls every day and is excited about the response.

A Best Ball tournament will be held at the Odessa Golf Course beginning at noon. It will be a two-person tournament. A partner is not mandatory to sign-up. The fee is $5 plus greens fee.

The museum will be the site of a horseshoe tournament. Sign-up will be at 1 p.m. and the tournament starts at 1:30 p.m. A $2 entry fee per person will be charged. The museum will be open for viewing during Saturday.

For all of the citizens who have not gotten their cars washed since winter, a car wash will take place by Denny’s Thrift softball team.

The Odessa Gun Club will have a practice shoot on Saturday. This will be a preliminary event for their big shoot on Sunday.

The Odessa Chamber of Commerce is the sponsor of the one day event. This year, the wrap-up of the evening will be a dance at the Community Center. A country-western theme has been selected since there were 65 people who took country dance lessons in March. The cost of the dance will be $5 single and $8 a couple. Music will be from 8-12 p.m. and furnished by Rock-a-bar. The band also plays songs from the ‘50s and ‘60s besides country music.


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