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Harrington eligible for 100% funding of grant

Harrington City Council

Tuesday, Sept. 30, at 5 p.m., Harrington City Council met for a special session. Present were Mayor Paul Gilliland, Bunny Haugan, clerk, the five councilmen, Peter Davenport, Terry Howe, Levi Schenk, Mike Cronrath, and Rick Becker, and visitor Marge Womach. The purpose of this meeting was a time-sensitive response necessary in order to qualify for a USDA grant for the identification of the waste water treatment facility and the mapping of the same. The city received a letter from Stantec reversing a prior decision regarding Harrington's failure to qualify for the grant, now stating that Harrington is eligible for 100% funding if it obtains the grant. Mayor Gilliland called the special meeting to receive authorization from the council to spend the $3,500 non-refundable search grant expense. A motion and second for the mayor to issue the check and continue working toward the $30,000 grant was approved 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned. Stantec's letter focused on the potential dike failure at the treatment lagoons, a concern that "occurred last Spring during severe storm events".

Wednesday, Oct. 8, Harrington city council was called to order by Mayor Gilliland with all council members present. Bunny Haugan and Scott McGowan were present, and visitors included Justin Slack, Ted Hatcher, Marge Womach and Ken Kennedy. Minutes from last month's meeting and the special session were read and approved. A public meeting will be held Oct 20th, Monday, at 6 p.m. regarding water quality. Ted Hatcher's presence at the meeting was to represent Charles Marsh's request for waivers and variances for the construction of a new garage on a lot that has been determined to be a R-1 lot. Two diagrams were presented with differing measurements. Numerous objections were made and the topic was tabled until a new diagram with corrections is presented to the council. Discussion was held regarding the sheriff contract and cost of living increases.

Harrington Opera House Society

HOHS met at 7 p.m. in the Art Room with Billie and Gordon Herron, Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Linda Wagner, Carol, Marge Womach, Karen Robertson, Bridget Rohner, Dillon Haas, and Steven and Rebecca Hardy present. With great enthusiasm Bridget Rohner (WSU Extension) gave a presentation regarding the upcoming Northeast District Teen Rally, Nov. 8–9, 2014 primarily at the Harrington School. This event is scheduled for teens in grades seven through 12. The Teen Rally allows 4-H youth to get together and experience new things, among which are a variety of workshops and activities that build leadership skills and provide the opportunity to make lifelong friends. Workshops may include log rolling in the swimming pool, drama workshop in the opera house, dancing, gluten-free cooking, costuming and impromptu speaking. The Teens will sleep and eat in the school. The schedule for check-in at the school is from 9:30 to 10 a.m. on Saturday. The event concludes with lunch on Sunday at noon.

Building projects continued to be discussed with the commitment for the plastering to be completed by Oct. 20. Enthusiasm continues for the stage curtains to be prepared to be shortened, as well as projects around the stage and the old dressing rooms. Windows will be repaired on the stage. Excess supplies will be moved to the basement. Tickets are now available for sale for the Tayla Lynn and Eric Tingstad event on Nov 7. Santa Claus is scheduled for Nov. 29 from 10 a.m. to noon. The Harrington Chamber of Commerce will provide Christmas bags since they will not be having a bazaar this year.

HOHS Annual meeting will be moved to the Dec. 1 meeting with election of officers. Inland Northwest Foundation is coming Oct. 29, at 10 a.m. Ed Haugan, Gordon Herron and Mark Stedman will meet with them.

Harrington Historic

Preservation Commission

Harrington Historic Preservation Commission met Oct. 7, Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Present were Karen Allen, Celeste Miller, Aileen Sweet, Anita Harman, Margie Hall (EDC), Terry Howe and Marge Womach. Margie Hall spoke briefly of the Davenport EDC meeting on social media, and she said 59 were present to hear Consultant Josh Wade. He returns to teach on Oct. 15 and 23, 9 a.m. to noon at the court house, with the emphasis on creating word press websites. They can be simple to create and simple to maintain.

October 18, Saturday, at the Harrington Memorial Hall from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Chaz Bates will return to "re-write the 2000+ Plan for the vision for the future of Harrington. Celeste volunteered to invite each of the organizations in Harrington to join in this presentation, the final step in Mr. Bates' compiling his suggestions of what the town needs to do in order to improve its business and growth potential. It will be remembered that HHPC had applied for an EDC grant for $10,000 which was awarded to Studio Cascade, of which Mr Bates is an owner. The public is invited to come and participate.


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