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Articles from the April 6, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 33

  • Utah family enjoys Desert 100

    Ashley Parkinson, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 7, 2023

    IRBY - A Utah family traveled here so their daughter could participate in mini races leading up to the Desert 100. The Pressley family is full of racers, but this weekend, 8-year-old Maya Pressley took the racing spotlight in the 9-10 age group in mini races Saturday, April 1. Father Caleb Pressley, a former racer, said Maya Pressley wanted to race from a young age. "Maya showed interest at 3," Pressley said. "But we didn't want her near that just yet." Mother Arin Pressley...

  • Tigers compete in home match

    Updated Apr 7, 2023

    Odessa's Levi Hardung putts into the second hole during a home match Thursday, March 30....

  • Reardan's Nelson pitches no-no

    Byrne Bennett, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 7, 2023

    REARDAN – On a frigid and blustery day, many spectators were forced to their cars to watch Screaming Eagles' pitcher Tate Nelson deliver a gem against Kettle Falls in a NE2B baseball matchup. In the first game of a doubleheader, Nelson overpowered Bulldogs' batters with a no-hit performance. His pitching was the highlight of the Screaming Eagles' 9-1 win on Friday, March 31. Reardan also won the second game 6-4, to extend their winning streak to five games. Nelson struck out t...

  • Payroll tax will hit hard this summer

    Joe Schmick|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    House and Senate budget writers released their 2023-25 state operating budget proposals recently. It was a reminder that taxpayers have been very kind to the state’s coffers as revenue forecasts over the past few years have continued to increase. As a result of taxpayer largess and the majority party’s proclivity to spend every dime available, state spending has more than doubled over the past 10 years. Has our population doubled? No. According to the Washington State Off...

  • The importance of wrestling with God

    Rev. Pierce Chadburn|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    Note: This is a sermon from February 28, 2021, and is slightly adapted from the original. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! It’s no mistake that God’s ancient people, Israel, was named after its forefather, Jacob. The name “Israel” means something like, “wrestles with God.” God renamed Jacob “Israel” because Jacob physically wrestled with Him all night and wouldn’t let go (Genesis 32). Jacob wouldn’t let go of Him until He blessed hi...

  • Willow Ridge safehouse could open soon

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    DAVENPORT — A safehouse for domestic violence victims at Willow Ridge will be open soon if everything goes to plan, according to information given at a tour of the complex by representatives from Rural Resources on Wednesday, April 6. Willow Ridge, which has been the topic of some debate and legal discussion in the past three years, was transferred to Rural Resources from Family Resource Center at the end of June 2022. Four buildings sit on the property inside city limits. Two contain three low-income apartments, one contains...

  • Harrington second-grade class presents book

    Ashley Parkinson, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    HARRINGTON - Lily Voynick's second-grade class presented self-made books to 11 businesses on Thursday, March 30. The books were handmade, bound and contained information on each business handwritten by the students. Businesses included in the books are The Grange, Harrington Food Mart, The Harrington Golf and Country Club, Harrington Hause, Harrington Opera House, Harrington Public Library, Home & Makers, The Mercantile, The Post and Office, The Post Office and Studio 1 on...

  • Cathryn Grace (McGath) Kissler

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    Cathryn Grace (McGath) Kissler June 10, 1947 –Feb. 20, 2023 Cathryn Grace (McGath) Kissler died in Portland, Ore. on Feb. 20, 2023 of complications related to Alzheimer's disease. She died peacefully, without fear, surrounded by her loving family and wonderful caregivers. Born on June 10, 1947, Cathy was raised in Davenport, Wash. and married her high school sweetheart in 1965. They raised their three daughters in Santa Monica, Calif. and later lived in Eugene, Ore., and M...

  • Birthdays and Anniversaries

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    Davenport birthdays April 7: Debbie Marriott, Christine Sanguinet Downey, Mick Tareski † April 8: Sam Schneider, Troy Canfield, Tyler Ballance April 9: Andrew Duff, Samantha Stiles, Travis Angstrom, Viola Lilje † April 10: Judy Heid, Patricia Tarbert, Lindsey Wynecoop, Jett Morrison April 11: Bill Guhlke, Charlie Schreck, Char Hutsell, Kelly Pankey, Rosie Buck, Ron Wilkie† April 12: Ryan Bodeau April 13: J.R. Rief, Caesar LeVault Davenport anniversaries April 7: Kevin and Sherill Hansen, David and Lorie Leath April 9: Jim a...

  • Bunny Bingo raises funds

    Byrne Bennett, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    REARDAN - More than 200 people armed with ink daubers took part in the Lions Club's annual Bunny Bingo event at the Community Hall Saturday, April 1. The all-day event featured over 100 games with donated prizes such as hams, smoked cheese, cash, Easter baskets, gift cards and stuffed bunnies. "This was our most successful Bunny Bingo to date," Lions Club president Dale Swant said. Treyson Singleton walked away with the top raffle prize, a large flat screen television. "What...

  • Course a challenge for racers

    Roger Harnack, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    IRBY - This year's start line faced north, away from State Highway 28. On the line, racers spread out a half-mile wide, awaiting the boom of a cannon and the ensuing cloud of pink smoke. The 921 course took competitors on a northerly route through sagebrush to a slight left-hand turn through the first gate, which was only about 50 feet wide. Once through, they raced down an embankment to Ott Road and Crab Creek. There, racers jostled for position to cross one of two, small...

  • Little, Flaa top two at Stumpjumpers race

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    Two Reardan boys were trophy winners at Stumpjumpers races Saturday, April 1. Reardan students Cohen Little and Bryson Flaa, pictured above with their first- and second-place trophies, won the Top 2 spots in the 200cc Class races in Irby. The Saturday races were a prelude to Sunday's main event, the Desert 100....

  • Lake Stevens racer returns to Irby

    Ashley Parkinson, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    IRBY-Jolene Janacek of Lake Stevens has been coming to Desert 100 for seven years. Janacek is a street racer for Angry Possum Racing and was the Northwest Motorcycle Association poker run chairwoman this year. She helped with the Ladies' beginner ride during the weekend and competed in the 50-mile event. Janacek placed 35th place out of 45 racers in her class. "I had two bad wrecks that affected my time," Janaceck said. "The first one happened at the 45-minute mark." She said...

  • Canadian mother, son compete in 50-mile event

    Ashley Parkinson, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    IRBY- A 14-year-old Canadian finished 62nd in the Stumpjumpers' 50-mile race Sunday, April 2. Ryden Sanford of Eckville, Alberta, Canada, raced in the 15-and-younger division Sanford raced with his mom, Amanda Sanford, who rode a TE 300i. "I ran out of fuel at Mile 46," Ryden Sanford said. "I waited and wondered what to do, but another rider stopped and gave me his fuel." Sandford said he ran out of fuel again at Mile 49 and another rider stopped to help. He crossed the...

  • Brothers compete Saturday

    Ashley Parkinson, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    IRBY – The two sons of locals HaLee and Colley Walter competed in the Family Poker run and mini races this past weekend at the Desert 100 race site. Tucker Walter, 16, has been racing in the event three years. He competed in the Family Poker run last year. "It was great riding," Tucker Walter said. "It was awesome getting a high poker hand." Walter placed sixth in the poker run - the only race he competed in. His 11-year-old brother, Hudson Walter, finished 19th out of 33 ride...

  • County golf clubs open for season

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    HARRINGTON - Prospective golfers in Lincoln County don't have to go far to get their links fixes in. Three nine-hole courses are available around the county, and all are open for the season. Harrington Golf and Country Club, located at 700 South Second Street, opened April 1 and offers nine-hole and 18-hole rounds. The clubhouse and course will be open from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. every day, general manager Melissa Gilmore said. Round rates vary between $20-$35 depending on the day of...

  • Reardan girls softball

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    The Reardan girls softball team dropped both games of a doubleheader to Kettle Falls on Friday, March 31. The Screaming Eagles lost the games 27-4 and 20-4 to bring their record to 2-8 on the season....

  • Area Sports Docket

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    Varsity games, meets and matches for Davenport, Odessa, Reardan and Lind-Ritzville/Sprague/Washtucna/Harrington the week of April 7-13. All games are subject to postponement or cancellation. Saturday, Apr. 8 • Reardan baseball doubleheader vs. Asotin @ noon Monday, Apr. 10 • Davenport and Odessa golf at Deer Park @ 2 p.m. • Davenport vs. Odessa baseball at Odessa @ 4 p.m. Tuesday, Apr. 11 • Davenport softball doubleheader vs. Northwest Christian @ 2 p.m. • LRS baseball doubleheader vs. Liberty @ 2 p.m. • LRS softball do...

  • Prescribed burning possible at Gifford

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    GIFFORD—Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area may implement a prescribed fire this spring on 67 acres adjacent to the Gifford Campground and Boat Launch. The campground is located north of Lincoln County on Stevens County across from Inchelium and can be asked via travel on Highway 25. A press release said the goal of prescribed burns include promoting forest health and decreasing forest fuel loads adjacent to campgrounds and structures. The burn would be ignited in conjunction with the Department of Natural Resources, t...

  • Davenport boys second at Glenn Wolf Invite

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    DEER PARK - The Davenport boys track and field team finished second, while the Odessa girls finished seventh at the 20-school Glenn Wolfe Invite Friday, March 31. The invite, which featured 1A, 2B and 1B schools, saw Logos win on the girls side and Freeman win on the boys side. The Davenport girls finished 10th overall. The Gorillas host a league meet Tuesday, April 11. Here are the local results from the Invite. Boys 100 meters 14. Mason Wright, Odessa, 12.49 36. David Coriel...

  • City of Sprague Request for Qualifications Engineering Consulting Services

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    City of Sprague Request for Qualifications Engineering Consulting Services The City of Sprague is requesting statements of qualifications (SOQ) from individuals or firms interested in providing professional engineering services during the 2023-2025 calendar years. Potential services include planning, design, construction management/contract administration, on-call consulting and grant applications for sewer, water, sidewalk, and street projects. Individuals or firms wishing to be considered for projects during 2023-2025...


    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    PUBLIC NOTICE: TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR LIFEGUARDS! We’re looking for service-minded individuals with a cheerful positive attitude to staff our pool for the summer of 2023. The City of Davenport is now accepting applications for the following seasonal positions: swim lesson instructors and lifeguards. Minimum Requirements: Current certification in lifeguard training and CPR for the Professional Rescuer’s is required at the time of hire. Swim lesson instructors must be WSI certified or obtain certification by July 1st, 202...

  • City of Davenport Mountain View Cemetery Building Replacement

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    City of Davenport Mountain View Cemetery Building Replacement The City of Davenport is seeking design/build bids to replace the existing storage building at the Mountain View Cemetery. The current building is a 36’x20’ concrete block building with a metal roof. The city would require a new building built with materials of the contractor’s choice adding an ADA bathroom and flag storage room. Rough drawings and specifications are available at city hall or by emailing Steve Goemmel at The cemetery is lo...


    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF GROUNDWATER SUPERCEDING CERTIFICATE G3-00528C Notice of Application for Change of Water Right to change the point of withdrawal and place of use under Groundwater Water Right No. G3-00528C. TAKE NOTICE: That on February 7, 2023, Deife, Inc. filed an application with the Washington State Department of Ecology to change the point of withdrawal and place of use under Water Right No. G3-00528C. That said right, G3-00528C, under priority date October 14, 1969, authorizes the withdrawal of 2,200...


    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SPOKANE NO. 23-4-00561-32 In the Matter of the Estate of: PAULINE L. HALL, Deceased. The Administrator named below has been appointed as Administrator of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Administrator or the...

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