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Originally published online on October 10 on a Seattle NPR affiliate website The job of the Washington State Auditor is to root out waste, fraud and abuse in government. But the Democratic candidate for that position, State Representative Troy Kelley, has come under scrutiny for his private business dealings. This includes wiring millions of dollars around to an account that was eventually linked to a bank in Belize. That was key evidence in a lawsuit against Kelley. On the morning of Monday, August 2, 2010 Troy Kelley sat...
Winter apples are at their prime and these tart, crisp varieties are perfect for cakes, crisps and pies. Joyce McClanahan brought an Upside Down Apple Cake to a recent potluck meal and it garnered several requests for the recipe. Joyce found the recipe on, a great site for seasonal recipes. Recipe directions call for preparing in a cast iron skillet to caramelize the apple layer. I used a heavy non-stick skillet with oven safe handle instead and it worked fine....
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Oct. 15: Deputies took charge of Derrick L. Wilson, 27, of Cheney, who was arrested on Spokane's South Hill for first-degree escape after being released by the Superior Court to his parents' custody f...
The fledgling town of Odessa celebrated Halloween in style 109 years ago. A lively night was reported in The Odessa Record’s issue of November 6, 1903: The Halloween party given by 15 Odessa young ladies at the IOOF Hall last Saturday evening was a decided success. A few days before, about a score of their gentlemen friends received invitations to the event and all but three ungallant fellows responded. On entering the room the gentlemen passed between two rows of ghostlike figures, each with a hand outstretched. The hall w...
The Halloween Carnival will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, October 30. Desserts donated for the event may be delivered from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Community Center....
On Friday, October 19, O-H defeated Waterville Shockers, 56-12. Titans 22 18 16 0 56 Shockers 6 0 0 6 12 Running back Sam Schafer started the Titan blowout with a 52-yard run for a touchdown, followed by another running play into the endzone for the extra 2 points. Quarterback Justin Hunt scored next for the Titans, running the ball from 8 yards out. The extra-point attempt (EP) was no good. Markus Smith handled the third score of the quarter on a 5-yard run. Schafer ran for the 2-point conversion. Waterville scored finally...
Ella Scheller died October 20, 2012 in Odessa. She was born June 4, 1918 in Warden to John J. Laib, Jr. and Christina (Heizelman) Laib. She is survived by her daughter-in-law Christina Scheller of East Wenatchee, grandson Karl Scheller of Portland, Ore., one sister, Annette Gray of Vizalia, Calif. and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Reuben in 2001, son Donald in l971 and three brothers Albert, Raymond and Milton. She was a member...
Two Odessa High School graduates (1976) and longtime friends recently returned from an adventure-filled trip to Dutch Harbor in Unalaska, Alaska. Denise Kittilson Masiello won a trip as a “Greenhorn for a Day” on th fishing vessel the Wizard of the Discovery Channel’s show called Deadliest Catch. Masiello won an annual contest sponsored by the Henry Weinhard company and took Barb Reister Frederick along as her guest. Masiello had been trying for three years to win the conte...
Wow, what a year! Barrel racing, I suppose, is literally just running around and turning. But the wet saddle blankets that it takes to get to a point so in tune with each other that each movement and thought of horse and rider are a reflection of each other, and being fast enough to outrun competitors by tenths and thousandths of seconds is what leads up to the rodeo pen. Then, what making and breaking points are, having the motivation and determination to work all week, then...
Odessa-Harrington boosted its record to 8-2 overall and 6-2 in league play by defeating Wilbur-Creston at home Saturday in three straight games, 25-19, 25-19 and 25-23. It was also senior night, and the three senior girls from Odessa and Harrington were recognized along with their parents: Koralynne Kuch, with Apryl Kuch and Bill Kuch; Kendall Todd with Bruce and Kim Todd and Lexie Hirst with Jim and Stacy Hirst. Chelsea Fisher led the Titans with 18 kills. Koralynne Kuch had...
I just returned from several days in Portland, where the weather was wonderful – two days of glorious fall sun and color, and two days of precious, beautiful rain. I loved it. It was interesting. And you know they say that “may you live in interesting times” is an ancient Chinese curse. Mind you, there is apparently no proof that the supposed curse originated in China. I just can’t help wondering what the story is behind each and every vignette I observe when I’m out and a...
Chief of Police Helen Coubra reported that the department has siezed a flatbed trailer which was used in the felony theft of aviation fuel from Wilbur-Ellis in May, and that as soon as the process is complete, the trailer will be licensed for use by the town. Coubra also reported that the department had been inspected by the Juvenile Justice System and no violations were found. She added that as Odessa’s police department has no detention facilities, it was merely a matter of checking departmental procedures for c...
Last week's article on the football game misidentified the player making the first touchdown of the game. It was in fact Carsen Weber (and not his brother Cade). The Record was relying on information from the Spokesman-Review prep sports website, which listed only last names and forced us to guess which brother got the TD. Also on the school and sports age, Duane Pitts' article was labeled as Part 6 when it should have been Part 7. The actual text was for Part 7, we just neglected to update the heading....
Does the word “dictator” scare you as much as it scares me?! To put us on the same page let’s get the dictionary definition of dictator: One who assumes absolute control without the free consent of the people. Does that remind you of the narcissist who slithered into the White House under the radar? If I’m not mistaken he swore under oath at his inauguration to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States! He must have had his fingers crossed behind his back because it seems he thinks the Constitution is just so...
Our national debt has increased from $10.6 trillion to $16 trillion in 4 years. Each taxpayer owes more than $140,000 as their share of the debt. Not a person in any nation of the Euro zone owes as much as we do. Our national debt increased more in the last 4 years than it did in the previous 17 years. Thirty-two cents of every dollar our government spends is borrowed. We spent $479 billion on interest this year and that figure would have been larger except a lot of our debt is borrowed at low interest. Last year our credit...
The Halloween Carnival, sponsored by the Odessa High School FFA chapter will be held next Tuesday, October 30, from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Community Center. This has become an annual event filled with games of chance, burgers and hotdogs on sale from the kitchen and a cake walk during which participants can win all kinds of wonderful desserts donated by community members. There will be a $1 admission charge per person at the door, or a flat fee of $5 per family (immediate family only). In addition to the 12 different games that w...
The Odessa-Harrington Booster Club held its annual fundraising auction and dinner October 13 in Odessa. The event is held Harrington and Odessa in alternate years. Steaks were grilled by the Odessa Riders Club members and served buffet-style to the hungry crowd. About 130 meals were served at the event. All together, the Booster Club made about $18,500. Auctioneer Garrett Linstrom sold 140 silent auction items and 21 live auction items. Everything from quilts, to sports bags to hats to subscriptions to The Odessa Record were...
Michael Geisen offers junior high and high school students some pointers on research work they do in school. It is that time of year when many of you have already begun some research projects and will have more as the school year progresses. Your critical thinking skills, covered in the last how-to article, are crucial in research because you have to sift through the junk to find the gems you are looking for on your given topic. Evaluating the items and using them effectively are key to good research projects. Decide on your...
Byron Behne watches the international grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 10/19/12: The wheat market got some bullish news on Friday, as the Ukraine is looking to possibly ban exports in the middle of November. There was also a fairly large sale of U.S. wheat to an unknown destination which included 4.3 million bushels of HRW, 1.8 million DNS and 2.13 million of soft white. This sounds like China and comes after they bought a significant amount of Canadian wheat earlier in the week. At the end of the day the gains...
Dr. Soren L. Olson of Northwest Orthopaedic Specialists will hold orthopaedic clinics in Odessa and Ritzville for one day on Monday, October 30, 2012. The Odessa clinic will be available from 9 to 11:45 a.m. at 510 Amende Street, and Dr. Olson will be at 210 West Main Avenue in Ritzville from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Patients who would like to schedule an appointment at either location are asked to call Northwest Orthopaedic Specialists at (509) 344-2663. “I enjoy helping patients recover from injuries and return to their active l...